Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Everybody Loves Anderson

We interrupt regular programming for this special report:

Everyone loves Anderson Cooper for different reasons. We all agree on that point, what we can’t seem to agree upon is that it’s okay for people to express a difference of opinions. I don’t know the history of the feud between blogs and to be honest, I don’t care. If I argued and slung insults with everyone during the day that I didn’t agree with….well, I wouldn’t get much done.

Blogs are not a competition. Freakspeakers serves a different viewpoint than millions of other blogs. There are legal ramifications for those seeking to link our blog to unauthorized sites. Please make sure that you are willing to take that risk before publishing your threats.

Please…let's respect each other opinions and if you can’t, then I politely ask you to refrain from posting on our blog and find a blog that is more suited to your attitude and opinions. I welcome everyone to this blog, but I do ask that we try to maintain a degree of decorum, and if we can’t, then comments will be moderated and/or deleted.

This opinion may or may not be shared by Christiane or Courtney, so don't hold it against them if you don't like my message.

We now return you to your regular programming.

7 comentarios:

Anonymous said...

@jade-- hee -)
I feel like some bloggers adopted principles of communistic society. Everybody has to be put together in some sort of a group, for convinience. Then, each memeber of the group is responisible for the whole collective. If one person does something "out of line" the whole collective shall be punished for it; thus everybody in a collective should do "damage control" of everybody else. I see that a lot it in corporate environment here, when companies resemble a mini-model of communistic society. -)

Never understood why different blogs should be looked at as competitive, I always thought the more the merrier.

Jennifer said...

@Ivy: I don't like the group mentality theory, but I just wanted a blanket message so that everyone on both sides are clear.

These blogs aren't income generators or have corporate sponsors, so there is no reason to be competitive with one another.

Nothing personal on my part towards anyone, I just think when we disagree we all lose sight of what we have in common.

Anonymous said...

@jade -- I did not mean you in any way -) It's about you asking others not to hold your opinion against other blog authors. You mentioned you don't know the history of the fued -- holding people responsible for other bloggers opinions happened a lot on the other blog. Just my observation about that kind of mentality. I was talking about people threatening to trash your site, not any of the Freakspeakers authors

Jennifer said...

Ivy: No worries, I didn't take your comments personally. I don't hold any remarks against anyone, I just want everyone to be clear where I stand as a memeber of FreakSpeakers.

I'm glad you share your opinion, and I hope others will as well in a respectful manner.


courtney01 said...

Jade, can I just say that I love you?

Next time, we could make snide remarks about the other blog on our front page, don't you think?

Sorry. I'm a little bitter right now. :-)

Great screencap, by the way. I can only imagine what Anderson would say.

Jennifer said...

No worries Courtney, I would never lower my posting standards to post something rude about someone else's blog ;)

marie said...

I agree with you Jade.


Don't think for me. Don't assume what I want to hear or read. Give me facts. Give me reasons. But not yours. Bring me debate. Enlighten me. Today, accountability is masked behind anonymity; bylines are hidden by zeros and ones. Everyone publishes; everyone is "in the know." Ethics are non-existent. Speculation is king. The truth is masked and a hostage. Empowered by our minds, WE ARE THE FREAKSPEAKERS!


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