Monday, October 23, 2006

Happy Monday!

For some, monday is the worst day of the week, I actually kind of like it. And just because I'm in the girly mood I'm posting my two favorite pics... I hope this will help you cope the monday morning blues and wake you up!

15 comentarios:

Jennifer said...

Oh. My. God. I love those photos :)

Anonymous said...

christiane-- I hate mondays -) awesome photos! I've never seen them. 2nd photo is something else. A great morning coffee substitute -)

courtney01 said...

Are you feeling all right, Christiane? ;-)

You're not going to start talking about your fantasies, are you?

Anonymous said...

hi courtney! -lol. this was indeed a surprise -)

MediaDoc said...

Ivy- NOTHING sybstitutes coffee... not even Anderson! LOL

Jennifer said...

Unless Anderson is brewing coffee for you...oh sorry...I had a girly moment there myself. I'll go back to being all serious now ;)

Anonymous said...

@christiane-- I spent a day without coffee today -)

courtney01 said...

Duncan Hunter, R-CA, is speaking out against CNN for airing the insurgent video. He's about to talk to Wolf Blitzer.

Representative Hunter is chairperson of the House Armed Services Committee.

eliza said...

I kind of like Mondays too, mostly because I get to come home from work earlier. Of course I have to get there when it's still dark out,'s a tradeoff really.

Duncan Hunter is an idiot.

Anonymous said...

courtney-- isn't Hunter the one who wrote a letter to Pentagon to cut off access to CNN and to kick them off all embeds? What a clown. Too bad I'm going to miss his CNN appearance -)

courtney01 said...

You can read the article I just wrote instead. ;-)

Lee said...

Christiane. You sure know how to brighten up a Monday. Those photos are incredible. Is the second one from Sarajevo?

Courtney. Hi, haven't talked to you for awhile. What did Rep. Hunter say? Sometimes I get the feeling none of these people have ever read the Constitution.

Ivy, Jade, Eliza. Hi, how was your Monday?

Anonymous said...

@lee -hi! Glad to "see" you -) unlike for eliza monday is a long day at work for me so it does not get me too overjoyed. But today wasn't that bad -) christiane contributed -) As for a lot of GOP people -- makes you wonder not only what they read but what planet they are on.

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos. I had never seen that version of the bottom one. :)

Sheryn said...

Lordy be! Where did you get these??? You made my day!!!


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