Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Baby Steps, Big Leaps!

It's been a bumpy ride - may I said wild - since we started the FreakSpeaker project. As the new kids in the play yard we knew it was going to get rough and nasty sometimes. But the satisfaction is huge, checking our visitor's statistics, seeing those numbers growing and growing and more interestingly from where they are coming! Steady visitors from the domains of, CNN's parent company, troops from Iraq and friends and readers from all over the world, THANK YOU ALL!

Last week we had our biggest accomplishment so far. We were linked to one of the most prestigious online magazines! I couldn't believe my eyes when I read the email announcement. I stared in total disbelief; I knew we were getting a lot of attention, but we really didn't expect this so soon. And then again, thank you for your support!

"Subject: Your blog is linked from

Hi, I
wanted to give you a heads up that your blog has a link from's web site, powered by Sphere. To see your featured post, go to and look within the story: "Behind Rumsfeld's Fall: The Perils of Hubris." Then, look for the orange sphere it! logo and click on it. You should see your post in the first two pages of results.

Sphere is working with Time and other publishers to get great blogs like yours in front of more people. We think this is pretty cool and a great way for people to discover blogs as well as introduce a broader, more mainstream audience to great blog content like yours. If you have any thoughts or questions, please feel free to contact me at

We'd like to offer you a Sphere featured blogger badge. You can choose one here:

Keep on blogging!

xxxx "

We were sure of the path we wanted to take, and we have stayed our course. Informative, original and complementary content for world issues and news.

The best is still to come!

We are already working with new exclusive features and the interview series will be starting pretty soon! What other surprises do we have for you? That, my dears, is top secret... but we can assure you we are working hard and that you will all enjoy it.

And again, Thanks for your visits and support!

If you are interested in receiving our newsletter send us an email to and we will add you to our mailing list!

11 comentarios:

Anonymous said...

Your blog is a success because you all have proven yourselves as professionals. No, I doubt any of you respectable ladies would dig to find out what hotel Anderson is staying at in order to stay there to get close to him. For that alone you all have earned my respect. You show you are interested in reporting on his work and not stalking him.

courtney01 said...

Thank you very much, Anonymous.

As much as I like Anderson, find him attractive, etc., I respect him far too much to be intrusive. While he is famous, that does not mean he doesn't deserve a private life--something the rest of us non-famous folks take for granted. And ultimately, I wish him nothing but success and all the goodness this life has to offer. His heart will guide him; in that I have faith.

Your comments mean a lot, Anonymous. We do the best job we can here.

Anonymous said...

Courtney, you are indeed welcome. Again, keep up the good work. You all are definitely going places.

Jennifer said...

Congrats! How very exciting! I visit your blog everyday, keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Courtney: congrats on your success.

courtney01 said...

Thank you, Robin. It's very kind of you to say so.

courtney01 said...

Thanks also, Jenn! I'm glad you've brought back CW360. :-)

Lee said...

Congratulations. That's wonderful news.

Anonymous said...

can't wait for new features!

Anonymous said...

Thank you all! we are very happy with this. And the new features are looking cool, I know it will be handy!

marie said...

Thank you for the kind comments, we do appreciate all the people who view our blog. :)


Don't think for me. Don't assume what I want to hear or read. Give me facts. Give me reasons. But not yours. Bring me debate. Enlighten me. Today, accountability is masked behind anonymity; bylines are hidden by zeros and ones. Everyone publishes; everyone is "in the know." Ethics are non-existent. Speculation is king. The truth is masked and a hostage. Empowered by our minds, WE ARE THE FREAKSPEAKERS!


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