Associated Press
6 minutes ago
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, architect of an unpopular war in Iraq, intends to resign after six stormy years at the Pentagon, Republican officials said Wednesday.
Word came a day after the Democratic gains in the election, in which Rumsfeld was a focus of much of the criticism of the Iraq war. Officials said Robert Gates, former head of the CIA, would replace Rumsfeld.
Earlier today, a spokesman for Rumsfeld said he'd given no indication that he would step down in the wake of Democratic election gains. The spokesman said Rumsfeld would work with Congress on Iraq but added that the focus on stabilizing the country will remain the same.
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13 comentarios:
Ol' Rummy just became the fall guy for his good buds Bush and Cheney. Now only if those jackasses would resign...
I know, too much to wish for in one day ;)
One fool at at time...
One down, two to go......
I shall quote my initial reaction, for clarity.
And I made a comic with Anderson Cooper. Keep up the good work!
Cnn projects Montana won by a democrat,so it's down to Virginia...
It's about time!
Today is such a great day, I keep pinching myself to see if it's a dream.
I noticed that a "CNN Producer" put a link to stories that they are watching on the "360 Blog". Interesting comments as usual.
Betty Ann from Texas is on usual.
And I just read my post...
I'm laughing at myself. I'm so tired that I'm using my favorite phrase "as usual" in every sentence.
I was the one who deleted the my comment by mistake. I see Lori Anne got posted also. Some people must realy have an in.
"Now Dems must put up - or shut up" -- the column title in NY Daily News I saw somebody reading. And that's not even a day after elections. Why weren't those smart-asses telling that to republicans who had control of both White House and congress and got the country in the mess we're in?
AC was just talking to some Rummy apologist and that clown called him Cooper. "As I said earlier, Cooper . . ."
Yeah, you have a lot of credibility.
You're right Jade - now if we could only get rid of the the other two.
@avalon...I saw that interview and thought to myself how professional it was of Anderson not to correct the
The assumed "in" is wildly absurd. Lorie Ann and Betty Ann respond to what appears to be every 360 blog post. For their sakes I hope they have an actual "in" from someone or somewhere and that it's not a pity post. Life itself is much too exciting to diligently wait by one's PC for a blog entry to appear.
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