Friday, November 03, 2006

A Toast to Anderson Cooper 360

Springfield, MO--(FSP)--Betty Sue Dixon was surprised while making breakfast for her five children Thursday morning. Dixon, 30, had just sat down to butter her toast when her 7-year-old daughter Betty Jo pointed out the strange design on the bread.

“She hollered, ‘Mama, look at your toast,’ and I looked, and dropped the butter on the floor,” Dixon recounts, a smile lighting up her round face. “I couldn’t believe my eyes, but there it was, Anderson Cooper’s face in my morning toast!”

Dixon says she believes the toast to be a “sign from God” because she is such a loyal fan of the intrepid CNN reporter. “I think he’s dreamy,” she coos, after handing her toddler son Billy Ray a cookie. “He’s got such lovely blue eyes! I think God is tryin’ to tell me somethin’. At my church, they don’t take stock in such nonsense, but I do.”

Dixon says her husband Bobby Joe, 33, good-naturedly accepts her crush on Cooper but makes his smitten wife watch Cooper’s show Anderson Cooper 360 on the television upstairs. “That’s all right by me,” Dixon replies, “‘cause then I can keep a closer eye on the baby while I watch.”

When asked about her plans for the toast, she chuckles. “Oh, I’ve got a special place for it.” After being pressed further, she whispers, “It’s safe at the bank. And to all those Anderfans out there—it’s not for sale!”

4 comentarios:

MediaDoc said...

LOL, Thanks for making me laugh!

marie said...

Thanks I am hungry, lol. ;)

Anonymous said...

@courtney-- this is hillarious -lol I love that the toast is a bit burned -lol FSP rules!

courtney01 said...

You're welcome for the laughs. I figure we could all use them right now.


Thank Jade for the picture. She's our resident "photographer." ;-)


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