Saturday, August 04, 2007

Weekend Update

Forgive me for not blogging much this week. I got busy with real life stuff and then got sick, so that's why I haven't been around much. Luckily Ivy was kind enough to cover for me by posting those great TV clips. Thanks so much, Ivy!

This morning I saw that President Bush traveled to Minneapolis to see the destruction caused by the bridge collapse and to visit with some survivors. It's been a tragic week for the citizens of that area, and I hope they can get that bridge rebuilt soon. One of my co-workers has a son with whom I went to elementary school and who lives in Minneapolis. Thank goodness he and his family are all right. If anyone has a personal story to share regarding this tragedy, feel free.

According to some segments of the population, there's no such thing as global warming. Pardon me for disagreeing. What with the droughts, the flooding, the multiple days of 100+ degree temperatures in parts of this country that shouldn't see that kind of weather, and the recent floods in Britain and now in Asia, I'd say those people are wrong. You could argue all day about the consequences of our dependence on oil and fossil fuels and argue the merits of Al Gore's movie/book, but right now I'd say he's on target. The question is, what are we going to do about it? And will we offer aid to those people in India and Bangladesh who have been displaced?

Have a great weekend, everyone!

2 comentarios:

Anonymous said...

@Courtney: Sorry to hear you were under the weather, glad you are feeling better.

Speaking of Presidents, I read an article today on the Democratic Republic of the Congo which just pulled at my heart. The brutal rapes of the women in that region continue to be an issue. They are calling it Femicide because it is clearly an attack on females. Their President, Joseph Kabila Kabange, has not taken any action to stop these attacks by his military. It highlighted two females who were attacked. I was absolutely shocked reading about their attacks. They were treated as though they weren't even human.

So next time I'm having a bad day, I'll think about these poor brutalized women from the Congo. It makes you a bit more humble about what's going on in the world today.

Anonymous said...

Courtney: you're doing a great job! Even if you miss a day you more than make up for it the next. And Ivy is great as well with the video's. Thank's gals & hope Chris gets some rest time soon.


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