Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Giving 360...or the Interface THAT SUCKS!

It was frustrating, after identifying sources for my nominees, the site doesn't process the submission, anyhow, they are titans and they deserve to be honored so here they go!

My Nominees: Dr. José Vargas Vidot and Goldmand Price recipient Eng. Alexis Massol.

Vargas Vidot:Executive Director of the Community Initiative organization, a heavyset man with a soft voice and a ponytail, has emerged as one of the island¹s leading community health activists. He has been recognized for his work with numerous awards in Latin America and the United States, including an award from the prestigious Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
He has devoted his medical career to help homeless and drug addicts plagued by the AIDS epidemic, not limiting himself to Puerto Rico, in 2000 he organized Iniciativas de Paz: Brigada de Salud Internacional, an integrated medical and social services - similar to Doctors Without Borders - in order to provide free health services to remote areas in Guatemala.
There are plenty of websites and news articles describing his efforts in Spanish. Your affiliate in Puerto Rico XXXXXXX might provide you with further information ( Ms. XXXXXX is the primetime news producer):

Bosque del Pueblo, Puerto Rico: How a fight to stop a mine ended up changing forest policy from the bottom up.

A civil engineer by training, Alexis Massol-González, 58, is the founder and director of Casa Pueblo of Adjuntas, Puerto Rico, a self-managed community organization that proposes and develops plans to protect the environment, affirm cultural and human values, and create sustainable economic alternatives.
Cited as a major contributor to Puerto Rico’s education sector, Alexis Massol has dedicated many years to the protection and conservation of the island’s natural resources and culture. As founder of Casa Pueblo in Adjuntas, he has succeeded in creating environmental awareness within the community through various projects, legislation, and campaigns.
For Casa Pueblo independence is very important. The organization accepts neither corporate sponsorship nor government handouts. People from all over the island and from all professional backgrounds have contributed donations or labour to the group. But Casa Pueblo's main economic support is its own brand of coffee, called Madre Isla.
Winning the Goldman Environmental Prize was a total surprise for Casa Pueblo's staff and volunteers. ''I had never heard of the Goldman Prize, so I thought it was a joke'', recalled Massol-Gonzalez with a laugh. ''I told them that I don't work for money or awards, and they told me 'That's why you earned it'.''
No strip mines were ever dug in Puerto Rico. The opposition triumphed in 1996 and the land in Adjuntas set aside for the first mine was turned into El Bosque del Pueblo (The People's Forest), a community-run state forest that today forms part of the biodiversity corridor. Casa Pueblo manages the forest through a one-of-a-kind agreement with the Puerto Rico Department of Natural Resources.

3 comentarios:

Anonymous said...

Who cares?

MediaDoc said...

Hi anon.. although not so anon...this blog has a tracker and I have you ISP..

marie said...

Are you from DL? lol..

So how about posting the location of this rude anon? ;)


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