Sunday, September 24, 2006

Where Were You?

Where were you on September 11?

Hard to believe, but it was five years ago tomorrow that America was attacked.

Five years later, are we in a better place? Do you feel safer? Is the world a safer place? We got Saddam, but Osama is still out there, somewhere. We didn’t find the WMDs in Iraq, but we helped put a democratically elected government in power in Afghanistan and got rid of the Taliban…or did we?

President Bush has taken to the streets again, trying to rally the base and get the American public to see that terrorism is our number one fear and Iraq is the “ground zero” for the War on Terror. Despite evidence to the contrary—a report issued this past week from the US Senate states there was no link between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda—Bush and his pals insist Saddam helped Osama bin Laden set up the attacks on the US in 2001.

So what do you believe?

And is it still considered unpatriotic to question the government?

Posted by Courtney @ 8:47 PM ::Sunday, September 10, 2006

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Don't think for me. Don't assume what I want to hear or read. Give me facts. Give me reasons. But not yours. Bring me debate. Enlighten me. Today, accountability is masked behind anonymity; bylines are hidden by zeros and ones. Everyone publishes; everyone is "in the know." Ethics are non-existent. Speculation is king. The truth is masked and a hostage. Empowered by our minds, WE ARE THE FREAKSPEAKERS!


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