Saturday, November 18, 2006

It's Good to Laugh...

Watching Cooper laugh and nearly fall out of his seat during the Comic Relief interview is good medicine for everyone. Check out these shots from last night's show. I'm going all fangirl for a moment (it is Saturday after all) but he's adorable. Okay, I'm done. Enjoy your Saturday!

Thanks to our friends at Anderloads for the screencaps

3 comentarios:

Anonymous said...

yesterdays' speacial was great. I laughed the whole hour-) It was so nice to see Anderson relaxed and enjoying himself for a change. I'll be shallow and admit I loved no tie and the the top button not buttoned up -- the man knows style -)
I 've never seen anybody make him laugh so much, and it was cool he made Robin and Billy burst out laughing too. I felt a lot of warmth from the show, it was 4 people who care and and who are funny, there's something about that combination -) It sure was a good medicine.

Unknown said...

I agree with Ivy the show really was great last night and I've been trying all day to describe Anderson's relaxed manner and finally came up with this -
Everyone, even the most veteran, dedicated newsperson deserves and should let his hair down once in awhile so he can return to the "real world" refreshed and ready to do battle.

The four of them had me laughing during the entire hour, but he should have consulted Oprah to learn what he was in for. lol.
That type of celebrity interview I would sit through.

marie said...

It was funny, in a goofy way. :)


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