Monday, November 27, 2006

Page Six: Full of Crap?

Another round of Where in the World was Anderson Cooper as reported in today's Page Six:

November 27, 2006 -- ANDERSON Cooper was friendly at a Brazilian airport on Friday. "Hi, I'm Anderson," he said to the "attractive" man standing next to him at the flight connection monitors in the Salvador terminal, a spy told The Post's Braden Keil. The 25ish fellow was wearing a tight T-shirt, cut-off shorts and an earring. According to our witness, the unshaven, solo-traveling CNN star chatted for 20 minutes with the stranger before the fellow had to say goodbye and board his flight to Rio.

Wasn't the Brazil trip mentioned at the recent "Friend in Deed" dinner that he co-hosted? I thought the Brazil trip was part of the AnderVaction from a few weeks ago. Reports from the Post of Anderson in Brazil before his trip to Turkey, somehow just doesn't smell right to me. I've also read reports of a "sighting" on another Andersite this weekend. Supposedly, someone and their friend spotted him running in Central Park with Molly. If Anderson has a clone, send one my direction for Christmas ;)

Also, I did hear him phone in a report from Turkey with Carol Lin on CNN Sunday last night. He is indeed one BUSY reporter!

8 comentarios:

Jennifer said...

From a Brazillan blog this morning:

"I am not going to say anything else, except for why don't I bump into Mr. Cooper at the airport in Brazil? And why are there no pictures of him in any Brazilian gossip sites this morning?"

Anonymous said...

The only airport Anderson was in on Friday afternoon was JFK going to London and eventually on to Turkey. The only people he was with was the CNN crew.

Jennifer said...

@Anon...that's what my sources have confirmed as well. Page Six should confirm their sources before printing.

marie said...

As I was reading this, I was wondering where the rest of the "CNN posse" was at?!

This story might have been believable IF Anderson was on vacation.

courtney01 said...

Sounds like Page Six is just like Gawker--they don't confirm their info before they post or publish it.

courtney01 said...
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courtney01 said...

Oh, I do, I do!!! My dreams and fantasies would be destroyed if he were gay!!!

There. That's what you want to hear, Mr./Ms. Anon, isn't it?

marie said...

ooh!! squee!!! ;)

Acutally, anon 1:23, that was not the point of the post. It was about how people who say they are "in the know" really have no idea what they are talking about. That and about checking your facts before making a claim.


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