Monday, December 04, 2006

Anderson Cooper 360 Sweepstakes

Check out this link for the AC360 Sweepstakes. I hope they screen the winner. Good luck!

12/05/06 UPDATE: Gawker, Jossip, TVNewser and a host of other sites have some downright funny comments about the site...if you like to read those type of things ;)

29 comentarios:

courtney01 said...

I wonder how it feels to be marketed as a product--as if you were a new car or new type of soft drink.

It must be an odd feeling.

marie said...

Are they going to require a DNA sample from the winner or just fingerprints? ;)

I just checked out Turner's on-line store. The last time I looked, I saw nothing there I liked in regards to AC360. I go to the second page and actually saw something I would consider buying...the polo shirt. I love polo-type shirts! :)

Jennifer said...

@Court...I would think that would be weird. He is such a product for CNN. But at least some of the scripted things have him sounding snarkier than he has for awhile.
That staff meeting where this idea was discussed must've made him cringe.

And after doing some checking, there is no assurance that the winner would actually get to meet him. It will still be a cool experience for the winner.

I predict the winner will be Betty Ann from Texas ;)

courtney01 said...

LMAO! Or Lorie Ann from CA! ;-)

The prizes are pretty cool. Even if you don't win the trip to NYC, you still get an autographed copy of Dispatches--which I still don't own. :-o

I wouldn't mind winning! I've been wanting to go to NYC anyway.

Yeah, I can just imagine his reaction when they told him about this! LOL

Anonymous said...

Seriously, a blog boasting 1,000's of responses per blogpost yet a response from Betty Ann and Lori Ann is a constant occurrence. Many of their mundane responses offer way TMI about themselves. Are Miss Betty Ann and Miss Lori Ann the same person? Sisters? Great aunts to many? Or the lesser known, but almost as persistent, xtina of Chicago, Joanne Ranzall Lavel, Quebec and linda bella vista ar. I don't mean to sound cynical, but the 360 blog responses have little variety in comparison to the amt of traffic it gets. Maybe one of these ladies will win and will bring the other as her guest. :-)

Jennifer said...

@Anon...I hear ya. I hope 360 knows they didn't leave a space on the form for wellwishers to tell them to "stay safe'

Anonymous said...

Well said anon. and Jade. These frequent bloggers leave little to the imagination. Where do they get the time to do this? Are they gainfully employed? Even if they are, I doubt they are giving their jobs a fair shake. They all need to get a life. Not to worry, Anderson knows what their true motives are.

Anonymous said...

Isn't "xtina from Chicago" associated with a known stalker? I think it was that guy who bragged all over the internet about going through Anderson's closet?

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed the Betty Ann from TX and Lori Ann from CA comments on the ACBlog. I'm to the point now that I look who made the comment first before I read it. If it's from Betty Ann, I skip it, cuz it normally annoys me! I, do, have a theory on this. They continuously post comments throughout the day. I noticed a few times where multiple comments basically saying the same thing were posted. I'm surprised that AC360 Blog Producer has not noticed this. Personally, I would be embarassed to continuously send in comments saying the same thing until they get posted. Just goes to show that no one at CNN is reading the comments before they are posted.

Jennifer said...

@anon 2:48..."xtina" has been around the Ander blog scene quite awhile, and contributes to All Things Anderson. If I recall, she was around when the shit hit the fan last May when the Anderblogs were "exposed".

She doesn't bother me, but you would think by now that SOMEONE at CNN would have noticed a pattern with some of their posts that they get blogged.

However, just like our blog, we enjoy our "regulars". Maybe they think it makes the blog better?!?

@ JR...I would be embarassed as well, but maybe it's all these people have in their lives...:(

Anonymous said...

There must be a defined method to the Lori Ann, Betty Ann, xtina, et al madness. For the blog producer to post at least one each of their responses for every blogpost, they would have to see receipt of response from them. If what 360 says is true, they do not post all blogger responses due to the large amount they receive each day. Maybe it's 360's idea of an inside joke and they're not sharing the laughs with us.
anon 2:48, xtina could very well be associated with the infamous Anthony. Might be exaggerated, but if not, xtina's been entrenched in the Andersonville blogs since The Mole years.

Anonymous said...

The tone of the Lori Ann, Betty Ann posts suggests that their lame messages will be posted regardless of whether or not they contribute discussion beyond their own lives. The assumption that their response will be posted is clear.

Jennifer said...

I think we should all send in comments and list our names as "Jade Ann" or whatever and mock them...of course that's just me and I'm mean :)

marie said...

Jade, so the next time I send in a comment, I write "Marie Ann" for my name? ;)

Jennifer said...

@marie...yeah just add the Ann to your

Anonymous said...

AND...address the author with "hi"___; include a personal story about yourself, but make sure the info could either originate in a convent or is TMI on the web. Don't forget, close your post with "Take Care!"

Jennifer said...

@Anon 2:21...I'd pee myself if they actually were to post it :)

Anonymous said...

well then, let's see if they post mine. Jade, bring your laptop into the bathroom to spare yourself mess - just in case.

marie said...

They posted it. LOL!!

Anonymous said...

I use to post a lot to the 360 blog, but decided that unless I really had something thoughtful and useful it was wasting their time. So I post only when I feel I have a good and factual comment, not just a Hi Anderson/fangirl one. Sometimes I wonder what the 360 sstaff thinks of all these fangirl friendly comments - they and Anderson must cringe to read them over and over again,yet they print them.

Anonymous said...

Who is "Dixie Ann"? Someone with name just posted, LOL!!

Lufkin is near where "Betty Ann" lives! hmmm....

Anonymous said...

I am cracking up at the Betty Ann from Texas comments from everyone. I thought I was the only one who noticed them. I actually look for her comments every time I check out the AC Blog and laugh when I see it there every single time!

marie said...

"Dixie Ann" really should stop drinking so much moonshine. :P

Jennifer said...

FreakSpeaker readers RULE!!!

Howdy David,
That is mighty scary that Mr. Litvinenko or anyone else, can be poisoned and not git the proper medical care till it's too late. What a crazy world!

My cuzin Betty Ann derected me to this blog. Ya all are doin good work so keep it up!

Posted By Dixie Ann, Lufkin, TX : 3:25 PM ET

Jennifer said...

Here is another I suspect might be related to this thread...

Hi David,
Is it now the assumption that the US gov't is free and clear of corruption and violence within our borders and abroad? Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Sure, if it looks like a duck and talks like a duck it probably is a duck. But a careful investigation of all sides shows the US acting responsibly versus behaving badly. As an American born Russian and having spent the last ten summers living in Moscow, I'd like to think that the freedoms and trust afforded the US gov't is also granted to the Russians until there is proof to believe otherwise. Take care.

Posted By Ilene Ann, Kenilworth, IL : 2:36 PM ET

Anonymous said...

And another one, yes!
Hi Randi ~
Marilyn Lemak, formerly of Naperville, IL, fed her 3 little kids drug laced peanut butter and smothered them in their beds. She allegedly committed the murders to get back at her doctor husband who had a girlfriend while they were going through a divorce. Interesting post. Take care.

Posted By Ilene Ann, Kenilworth, IL : 5:24 PM ET

courtney01 said...


You guys! Next time put a warning on this thread so I don't take a drink of water before I start reading and then spray it on my computer monitor! :-P

I don't send in comments there very often myself because I usually can't think of anything clever enough to say. They did post one of my comments the other day, though, which was nice.

They really must not read those posts unless they're in response to Anderson--he gets the most responses.

Jennifer said... mean people other than AC post on the blog?!? Just kidding. Seems he rarely posts these days.

Maybe AC is Betty Ann. Or Gloria. Or some over obsessive fan with too much time on their hands? LOL...

courtney01 said...

Gee, I can't imagine an obsessed fan with too much time on her/his hands! Not at all.


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