Thursday, December 07, 2006

The Password is...


That's what the whole sweepstakes-password-location-thingy reminded me of last night. Anderson Cooper must've dug it being that he was practically glued to the television as a child, and perhaps even as an adult I suspect.

I feel like I need to conduct my own "Keeping Them Honest" investigation. Who is Betty Ann and Lorie Ann? Are they real people with real thoughts or CNN plants? I can't believe he read her comment from the blog. I shook my head, I don't get it. Surely these names have to look familiar to people and not just those of us who read the blog. It's an interesting phenomena, once I wish I had time to chase down. But alas, I'm not a professional Anderson Cooper blogger, I just play one on television ;)

Which other journalists interest you? Which ones, good or bad, fire up your cup of ire? Let us know here at FreakSpeakers and we'll see that not only the good journalists, not just Anderson (don't worry, I still love your style), but journalists who need to be called out for the jerks that they are get some attention.

Thanks to bcfraggle for the great screencaps.

31 comentarios:

courtney01 said...

Whoa! I don't think anyone's a jerk; I just question motives.

Oh...except for some folks over at Faux News. Won't mention any names (Bill O'Reilly), but some of them get me pretty worked up.

marie said...

Faux News?!?! about annoying!! My brother photographed (for his blog) the lights outside our house. While he was outside, a Faux News van pulled up two houses away to do their evening broadcast?!? He got a snapshot of them for proof, which he then emailed to me.

Seriously, why did they have to come to my neigborhood? Bah Humbug, indeed. :(

marie said...

Keeping track of anyone named Ann:

1. Betty Ann

2. Lorie Ann

3. Jo Ann

4. Ilene Ann

5. Dixie Ann

Did I miss any? lol..

Anonymous said...

Iraq as the 360 contest code. Was AC trying to say he was going to be there next Wednesday? Nah, probably not.

I'm a fan of Keith Olbermann on MSNBC, like 360, I never miss his show, he's smart, sarcastic and no b.s.

I'm pretty sure this is the THIRD time Lorie Ann has had her blog comment read by AC on 360, she must be getting an inflated sense of self by now and thinks she has some "special" connection to AC and the shows producers! I've got no idea what fascinates AC and the blog overseers about the comments from the all the "Anns", but it's frustrating to see their comments ALL OVER that blog and yet I can't EVER get posted! I can be just as smarmy and lame as the Ann brigade, so what's the problem?! ;D

Anonymous said...

I've spoken to many anderfans and have found one common thread they have all started out posting cutsey, fangirl post to the blog especially those written by Mr. Cooper, but as time went on they found that they liked getting their opinions posted, myself included, and the fangirl stuff went out the window. As for the Ann's they may not have gotten that far yet and may never just as long as they don't give other Anderson amirers a bad name.

As I stated before I now post only when I feel I have a valid opinion or comment - tfhe 360 blog is the only place anyone hears my opinion and it's not shot down by the other side.

marie said...

If you want to get your comment posted, all you have to do is add "Ann" to your first name! ;)

Jennifer said...

I rarely post to the 360 blog anymore. Trust me...I have an opinion for everything, but rarely the time oustside of this blog and my real job to contribute anywhere else.

Although, if you could hear the conversations I have with the television while the show is airing, you might actually think I'm crazy ;)

marie said...

An update:

1. Betty Ann

2. Lorie Ann

3. Jo Ann

4. Ilene Ann

5. Dixie Ann

6. Jodie Ann

7. Nikki Ann

The competition is getting fierce!

marie said...

Does anyone know if Jodie Ann and Nikki Ann are kin? They both live in FL!

Anonymous said...

@Marie, Yep, it looks like I've got no choice but to tack an "Ann" onto my first name to get posted on that darn blog! Dang, I didn't realize there were THAT many "Anns"! It wouldn't surprise me if Nikki Ann and Jodie Ann were related.

Anonymous said...

There is something mighty fishy about Lorie Ann and Betty Ann. For one, they have oldie moldy names and they use the Ann, which is so dated to the roaring 20's maybe? They have similar posts, similar writing styles, their posts are often back to back or very close in time to the other, they spill personal bits and pieces or boring facts about themselves. Sometimes, one post seems to flow into the next "Anns" post. They both claim they are practicing Catholics (and they say so in response to the same blog post). They chime in whether they have something to contribute, or not; usually not. Their posts suggest they know they will be posted, nevermind that 1000's of others are not. I did a test, a little one, but a test nonetheless. Use my real name to a post, it might get posted. Use an "Ann" and the post is there. That is my take.

marie said...

We are going to have put all the people who post under "______ Ann" in their naughty chairs..just to be able to keep track of them!

Jennifer said... is my fangirl moment of the day...

My middle name really is Ann(e) so that means I can sit in the naughty chair with somene right????

Anonymous said...

OK I just posted a comment on today's blog under the name of Dorothy Ann from Detroit MI - let's see what happens.

Anonymous said...

@Jade like you I have great nightly conversations with my television. At least then I can vent and no one yells back.

Anonymous said...

@all OK Dorothy Ann got posted, but so did Betty Ann.

Anonymous said...

And we were blessed with another smorgasbord portion of the pitiful life of Betty Ann. Look at that, anna m, they used your "Ann" post.

Jennifer said...

That's it...the 360 Blog Producer might not be the smartest knife in the block.

Anonymous said...

The whole "Ann" phenomenon would not be in existence if the CNN Blog Producer would actually pay attention and read the commments! I realize that at times they get 1,000's of comments but let's not keep posting those "Let me tell you my whole life story" via the AC360 Blog....who cares!!!!

Unfortunately, the "Ann's" are going to spoil it for the rest of us!

Anonymous said...

Betty Ann seems to have a "story" for nearly EVERY topic! Now that's a little bit weird if you ask me and I agree, who gives a crap? I agree with jr and Jade, someone isn't paying attention. When I checked the comments to Rick Sanchez post, believe it or not, Lorie Ann had NOT made an appearance! That's probably not going to last however. :(

Anonymous said...

Reading some of the Anns' comments today I noticed they were sort of saying things that they hoped would please a certain anchor person. Sorry but I don't think that this type of writing/posting would impress a that certain anchor - he's more intelligent and not clueless as they might think. If they think it will get them an in - it isn't gonna work believe me.

Jennifer said...

@ Anon 6:06...I agree with you. I find most of the posts on the blog are written with the hopes of impressing a certain anchor. I like the one from Betty Ann on the Hot Topics where she supports a Gay/Lesbian couples expecting children. Geez...wonder why she has such strong feelings about THAT

eliza said...

@Jade-I don't post to the blog much anymore either. I used to post all the time when they first started with the blog and Anderson even read one of them. Now I rarely post, especially if the post is more than an hour or so old. Because that's the secret to getting posted: commenting as soon as a post hits the blog.

@JR-I'm sure the blog producer is reading the comments. They pretty much have to because otherwise cuss words and references to Anderson's sexuality would be everywhere.

Anonymous said...

I am Jodie Ann from Wesley Chapel FL.

That is not my real name. I was inspired to do an "ANN" name by reading this blog. I wanted to see if my comment would get posted if I did an "ANN" name, as my comments have never been posted! So your theory is correct, 360 has some sick fetish (sp?) with "ANN" names.


Jennifer said...

@Jenn! Thanks for testing our theory! Welcome to the blog, we hope you stick around :)

I wonder if it's an Ann-thing or if any middle name would Betty Lou or Thelma Rae...just an

Anonymous said...

I wonder if L.A. now thinks that she has a better chance with the anchor since he has read her comments several times?

Anonymous said...

God, this Ann thing is getting scary! Just who DO they have monitoring the comments on that blog?!

@anon 7:12, That's what I think, Lorie Ann probably feels she one of the chosen ones. She may not be aware that AC would be TOTALLY uninterested, if you know what I mean....

marie said...
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marie said...

Of course you qualify for the naughty chairs!

The US ones are already filled up but there are a few in India. Not sure if Seth is still around, but I do know he was a frequent guest at the naughty chairs! ;)

Anonymous said...

@Marie Seth is still around - CNN finally got around to listing him on their employee roster on

Jennifer said...

If I'm going to the naughty chair with anyone other than Anderson I would choose either Nic or Michael. Those accents alone are enough to....well....never mind.


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