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5 comentarios:
how is that he knows it and Rummy and Cheney missed it?
Michael is amazing, not only his courage, the knowledge and understanding of what's going on in iraq, but also the ablity to explain complicated issues to the audience and be direct which makes him such an outstanding tv reporter. I found it really depressing that he doesn't see any possible resolution. White House should listen to what he has to say, but we all know they don't listen to anybody. So seems like iraq will only get worse.
I was really impressed with the interview of Michael yesterday. I liked the way they started expalining what was going on in the world (in Iran specially) before the war on IRAQ started. That helped placing things in context, specially when I can't even remember how was life before this damn war started . You could tell he was trying his best to explain in a conside way events so complicated and so inmerse in 2,000 years of history.
Loved the Michael Ware interview it should be required viewing for every person in the political arena. Michael knowing more than the current administration why am I not surprised.
I don't have cable, so I didn't get to see the interview. I can't wait till you get it up here.
You're right Ivy, why would anyone in the WH listen to someone who knows what they are talking about? That would be breaking protocol.
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