Saturday, February 10, 2007

Anderson Cooper's Private War

Thanks to Ivy!

Click to Enlarge

29 comentarios:

Anonymous said...

you got it first! FIRST!
Thank You!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Great article!!! I'm speechless. He is one remarkable man! Thanks for sharing it Ivy!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you Ivy. You did just make my weekend. I still hope to buy it, but it was great reading it here.

Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

First time lurker and visitor. This is a very nice blog. The article was very interesting. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

hi, jr and anons. thank chris for posting it-) Glad you could read it. Sorry for not so great image quality, I don't have a scanner, so tried my best to make it readable otherwise. The article was sure worth reading. And photos seem to match the mood of the article.

MediaDoc said...

Hi I'm glad you are all enjoying it. We have a lot of international visitors that do not have access to this publication.
What really struck me is the toll gossip is having on him. It gives another perspective. His mother's entire life was very public, particularly her romantic one. It more than comprehensible that he wanted to keep it quiet. His personal life is already difficult with all the traveling, and public scrutiny and speculation is something that is not a great add on to a quality relationship.
I'm really glad that a serious publication addressed the gossip issue within his perspective.

marie said...

Thanks for the article Ivy!! :)

Anonymous said...

Fantastic reading - thanks!!!

Is that not the best photo ever of him with the "see through" blue eyes?

Anonymous said...

@katie - I find the photo to be very expressive.

@chris -- I agree with you. Also, for me it gave a different perspective on him covering some soft news and entertainment.

courtney01 said...

I don't know what to say, other than I hope Anderson can find some peace in his life, and soon.

Anonymous said...

What a great article! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Anderson's a little peculiar but maybe that's one of the reasons he's so appealing.

Anonymous said...

I was most struck by this sentence: "I wouldn't make any claim to actually having any kind of impact at all on anything." Although Po Bronson interpreted this in a negative way (Believing your work is ultimately meaningless is a classic warning sign for imminent burnout.), I was reminded of a quote by Gandhi (there are several versions of it, this is my favourite):

Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it.

Perhaps Anderson is simply a far wiser man than the interviewer realised.

And I'm with Anderson on eating the same thing for days at a time, it allows your brain to focus on other things than your bodily needs.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't seem healthy to just eat the same thing on a daily basis. What sort of nutrition is he getting from just egg whites three times a day? A vitamin doesn't supply everything you need to stay healthy and he has a demanding and stressful career. Plus no coffee either? How does he stay awake? I really don't get this.

Anonymous said...

He stays awake by all the Diet Coke he consumes.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this! Very beautiful, profound article.

Anonymous said...

My concern is that he eats no fruits or vegetables.

He needs to be cognizant of his nutrition since his father died young.

He seemed concerned that ANS was only 39 when she died.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure we're getting the full story on Anderson's eating habits. It's hard to imagine how he functions on diet coke and scrambled eggs.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure he snacks throughout the day and he's always spotted at restaurants.

Anonymous said...

First of all why would he lie about it and second of all he can't be eating much since we all keep commenting how skinny he is. I think he will do anything to take care of his heart, since his dad had problems with his at a pretty young age.

Anonymous said...

I am not saying he was LYING about it, I just think he probably eats a LITTLE more than egg whites during the course of a day. He could eat more than egg whites and still be healthy.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you guys he looks toooo skinny. IMHO it seems that he has lost a lot of weight.

Anonymous said...

He may be skinny, but check out his arms sometimes when he wears those t-shirts of his, he's got nice muscles in his arms. I think his body is gorgeous, he looks great in his suits and in his jeans.

Anonymous said...

@Christiane: I agree with you regarding a serious publication addressing the gossip situation.

I didn't think AC let the gossip bother him but it's apparent through this article that he is concerned about it. Perhaps he will rethink his approach on keeping his personal life so quiet. Afterall, you can't live your life under a rock...people are going to figure it out one way or another!

It is sad, though, that his own home town of NYC is the worse culprit!

Anonymous said...

This article is the best Ive read about Anderson so far. You can tell the author was not just interviewing him, but making sense of him as a whole. It is trully moving, real and respectful.


Anonymous said...

@jr - you're on point about nyc. it is unfortunate. Revealing more things about his private life can make some rumors come down, but other ones will appear. Most newscasters keep their private life private, however the out-of-control gossip and attention that AC gets seems to be one of a kind. I'm not so sure him not sharing much with the public is the main or only reason of what's going on around him.

Anonymous said...

It was a good article in Men's Journal, but the writer seemed to be doing most of the talking, Anderson only has a few quotes throughout. The New York article back in 2005 that he did in NYC/NOLA still is for me the best interview Anderson ever gave, it was revealing and sad.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the article; it was the only way i could read it(i'm not american)


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