Araguaína, State of Tocatins,
Probably it is not the fast paced metropolis NY is known for, but to actually presented as "Araguaina in the heart of the Amazon rainforest" is a real stretch...
Actually Araguaína is a city in the state of Tocatins... it has airports, hotels, universities, its own soccer club among other amenities...
I'm glad for this project, but please why they mislead the public, don't they think the audience have enough manipulation?
Granted, Araguaína has its serious social problems, like forced labor and human slavery, but it is not fair to mislead that way. What is next, calling the Yanomamis Bush Babies?
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17 comentarios:
hmmm Charlie, we have a problem!
Looks like some one has to keep the keeping them honest guys honest.
Don't kill the magic, he is Indiana Jones!
Looks like he's in the rain forest to me.
At least he is being honest and saying "from the outskirts" of the forest
From the sounds of it, looks like AC will be getting further and further from the "heart" and more into the real "bush" of the forest. Jeff Corwin is definitely getting into it! Gotta love his enthusiasm for the ecosystems!
Everyone was talking about the frog segment. Darn it! I have CNN intl. and it only gives us the first hour, so I missed Anderson jumping away from the frog. Boy, he'll be there during the whole week, I wonder if he's gonna last with all those critters around him.
DAMMIT! I went to bed. If someone posts that on YouTube, someone better say something :)
they might be uploading the video already
where is marie?
The frog segment is on CNN videos, not the pay pipeline so we can watch it over and over. Hopefully someone can get it to YouTube. It's priceless...lol
I know, I went and read the transcript- dang that looks freaking hilarious. Widdle Andy is afwaid of fwoggies??!! LOL. *sigh* that's classic.
@bev- thanks, I went to CNN's videos and watched it. I laughed so dang hard that all the people in the computer lab were staring at me. I eventually had to put my head down and giggle (it was sounding like a high pitched squeak at that point). That'll DEFINITELY end up on YouTube. Oy. I'm so putting it on my blog. That's too damn funny!
Hey you know what's even more funny? I just watched that video four times, and then I read the transcript.... Anderson says to Jeff: "Is that a frog in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?" But in the transcripts, they only say "frog in your pocket". Oh, I love it! I LOVE IT!! Man that made my day. I wonder how many rubber frogs will now be mailed to the poor man.....
@ sharla dawn
rubber frogs? Why not the real thing?LOL!!!!
Don't tempt me.
That mailing frogs to him is a big possiblity. When I was a kid there was a frog in a bucket and everyone was looking at it, well when I went to look at it, it jumped up in my face. I screamed and ran off. I am now an adult and I have the most extensive frog collection you have ever seen. Thankful, people have finally quite giving them to me, but I had some really creative and nice ones.
So is say go for it....
Anonymous 2
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