.... and I'm still trying to recover. It was a very sad epiphany. Suddenly many things were crystal clear. I'm trying to regain hope within a hopeless equation. Looking back in time, makes me wonder if a career of almost 20 years was just garbage in a recycle bin. It really broke my heart, and not even the cynic in me can see a funny or positive side... I chatted about it with some colleagues and their jaw dropped further down than the stock market...
where are we headed to?
... more to come. I hope.
Don't think for me. Don't assume what I want to hear or read. Give me facts. Give me reasons. But not yours. Bring me debate. Enlighten me. Today, accountability is masked behind anonymity; bylines are hidden by zeros and ones. Everyone publishes; everyone is "in the know." Ethics are non-existent. Speculation is king. The truth is masked and a hostage. Empowered by our minds, WE ARE THE FREAKSPEAKERS!
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76 comentarios:
Christianne, I would love to comment but I have no idea what you guys are talking about.
I am taking a lot of meds right now, I have a cold that does not want to abandon me, So maybe its me, but I kind of lost track...
I have no idea what this post is about, but did you get my email? We really need to talk.
OMG, what's up?! Damn. I'm worried over here now.
Christiane, are you OK? Is there anything we can do help?
... more to come. I hope.
I hope so too...
Okay...now ya'll got me worried too......please share!
Well, after talking to you yesterday, all I can say is: please post it. What we're talking about is valid! I, for one, don't want you do step back from the blogosphere. Please stay....
@ Christiane?
Please tell us what's wrong!
@chris - now you got me worried too. nobody's 20-year career can be "just a garbage in a recycle bin".
@Chris-I don't know what's going on, but I'm worried about you! If you're thinking of leaving then I hope you'll reconsider. There are few intelligent and worthwhile bloggers out here and if you left, there would be one less. (And everyone else reading, I hope you know that I'm not referring to you when I say "few"!!!)
Wow...I check in and here we are. I certainly am out of the blog loop, but I Chris your post is quite concerning.
Share my friend.
I hope your road trip will be safe.
I cherish, adore, and love you with all my heart! :)
Are you freaking out because he's GAY?
Oh, yes, I'm sure the issue of him being gay or not gay rules Christiane's life...enough so to make her this depressed.
*rolls eyes*
Seriously though, what's the matter? You gonna leave us all hanging here or what?
here are few intelligent and worthwhile bloggers out here
Actually, there are plenty of good bloggers out there. Don't place all your faith in only one blog or blogger. You might end up very disappointed.
Christiane, come back! We can make you feel better, I'm sure. Take the weekened to rest, and come back and talk to us.
******Breaking News*********
We interrupt this scheduled pity party to inform you that Arachnae is not a bigoted flaming troll! I repeat Arachnae is not a bigoted flaming troll but someone who actually knows about the media. We learned this from a truly intelligent (not a poser or a troll) blogger named Eliza @ http://www.andersoncooper360review.blogspot.com/
Is what happened to Rachel the thing that is bothering you Christiane?
This blog needs to be kept honest. Something's rotten in Denmark.
anon 11:51 -lol, you made my night.
I doubt Christiane outed Rachel like someone said at Eliza's, she is not wanted at Anderloads, and we all know what they want to do with this blog over there. And the info came out of Anderloads. No doubt.
I am really pissed with Eliza. She copied the posts to Huff. If she had them after Rachel deleted them, maybe she was the one sending it over CNN, she has contact with them all the time and she knows they lurk at her blog. I would hate it if it turns out to be a publicity stunt at the expense of Rachel. They even identified her with her last name at Jossip!.
I hope Christiane comes back. And I will stay lurking and posting as an anon, because I am a closeted Freak! come back Christiane! Keep them honest!
Spot on 5:39!
I know AS A FACT that there is a group leaded by Eliza that wants to tear this blog apart. Her friends are the trolls, Arachnea, Sfacfan/mizzkel, even Rachel the intern. I was contacted by Eliza, so I know first hand.
She has a Bush like attitude: or you are with me or you are against me.And if you are not with me, you will never be a member of Anderloads.
That is what is behind it. So don't let them get to you.
I do not know Christianne from Adam, but I can read. I'm ready to bet the farm and all its animals that she would not be caught dead blogging to the tune of a trashy piece of crap termed Anderloads. The tacky name speaks for itself. Pathetic that a bunch of lonely, old women feel the urge to throw a sexual spin on anything in regards to a man - as always, Anderson. Sad that a 29 yr old didn't know better than to swim with the scum. As for Eliza, she's already done enough damage to Rachel. That poor girls name has been splashed all over the internet. Christianne is too smart for both of them.
How pathetic is it to get your undies in a knot over a closed Live Journal community? To keep other fans out just because you can? And to try to destroy another person's blog--set up a personal vendetta against them--just because you don't like them? Have these people always been this close-minded and mean or does Anderson Cooper just bring out the best in them?
This is all beyond me now. I can't believe grown women would be this petty, arrogant, and ridiculous.
I can't believe grown women would be this petty, arrogant, and ridiculous.
Pfft, I can. The anonymity of the internet has made people even meaner. I don't like it when I see people attacking other people, and I will ignore anyone I see that is attacking MY FRIENDS.
This is ridiculous. Talk about getting your anus in a pucker....
@anon 6:00-Bwah! I'm leading some sort of gang? That's news to me and I'm sure to Mizzkel, who I'm not even friends with. It's completely obvious if you read my post and the Huffington Post post that everything was vetted through Rachel. And Huff Post contacted us, not the other way around.
My problem with this blog is that it plagiarizes.
where is Chris?
you should be ashamed, Chris and the other moderators have always been kind towards you and your blog.
And if what Anon 6:00 wrote is true, you are a real douche bag trying to present yourself as a nice serious person while backstabbing everyone around you.
Is 10:46 the real Eliza? I hope is someone cloning her account. Because what you are saying is completely mean, specially since Chris haven't post anything in a week.
That is what repugs call flip floping. You post a comment all worried about her, and then you trash her when she is not even around? very nice, very classy of you.
I hope she returns soon and writes about your circus. The good thing is that now WE know who and how you really are. And the sight is not pretty.
what anon 6:00 pm is true. there was and still is an organized campaign against this blog involving people anon mentioned. At least 3 of them trolled here in previous topics. Now it all came together. They showed up at the same time, including arachnae, and now eliza apoointed her to moderate her blog. Tell me who your friends are...
@anon 7:30 Rachel is not a poor little girl. What she did won't get a drop of sympathy on my part.
@eliza - have to admit I'm disappointed. This blog always referenced their material, if you bother to read posts till the end you would see that. Please tell us your real motives for trashing Freakspeakers.
I read HuffPo -- ok, they contacted you. And you gave them Rachel's posts from closed community, which is your main argument in her defense. So now the whole world can see them. That makes whole lot of sense to me.
If those were the most innocent comments rachel made (I'm sure that's what you picked) I can't imagine what the rest are
Please, stop acting all like little children !
@ ivy
Does this mean that Rachel's post's are out in the open now?
Jesus ELIZA give this woman a break!
smart Christiane didn't know WHO Eliza was? she has tea with Elaine.
If the intern wasn't an intern at CNN, would she had so many Anderfriends? NO
@anon 3:23
read the article in Huffinton Post. there are quotes from rachel's posts (deleted by her on thier board) that were ment only for closed community. Eliza says the author contacted her.
That's all I have to say tonight!
Oh what a tangled web we weave, when we practice to deceive.
Who is Elaine?
Have you read ATA? separating themselves from the circus. Priceless!
Elaine Quijano? she has got to be smarter than to have anything to do with Christiane.
I'm impressed with ATA, I bet there wasn't much love for Rachel the Intern after all.
Christiane, please come back. Please??!!
wow, feel the love!
@anon 4:46 what does eliza say about christiane? did I miss something?
Last time I checked, Eliza was the one hiding. I bet her inbox exploded with all the comments.
I'm fairly new not only to this blog but also the Anderson fan community. Until now, I never heard of the people or the other blogs mentioned here and I'm not at all familiar with the bickering between these people and blogs.
As a newbie to this community my first impression is that Rachel is an obsessive fan who found the right avenue to squirm her way into the AC360 empire by way of an internship.
I don't think her motives were to leak information maliciously. Rather, it sounds like she was using this position to brag to others that she is closer to AC360 than the rest of the AC fan community. Very juvenile.
It's sad that a 29 year old would resort to immature and unprofessional work ethics that reek of desperation.
It appears that "friendships" between Eliza, Rachel, and others on these communities is purely conditional and very cliquish. If you have any connection with AC or CNN, your in the gang.
It appears that "friendships" between Eliza, Rachel, and others on these communities is purely conditional and very cliquish. If you have any connection with AC or CNN, you're in the gang.
Yeah. That about sums it up. How disgusting that someone would not see the opportunity for what it was- a fantastic work reference and the ability to do something really exciting, work for CNN! Geez. I cannot believe someone would jeopardize such a fantastic opportunity simply to make themselves feel better because they are so completely immature.
I have yet to say what I think about this "Rachel" business. Well, I'll say it now because I've been mulling it over for days.
My opinion?
(1) Unethical, sneaky, underhanded, and done with a selfish ulterior motive.
(2) Immature, stupid, and ridiculous.
(3) Wasted, wasted, WASTED opportunity! Think of what she gave up!!
(4) As a sneaky mole? Yeah, she deserved it that they canned her ass. She wasn't truly there to learn to do something as a journalist!
and.... I swear to God, this really pissed me off. Poor Anderson isn't even safe at work from obsessed fans that are trying to get a good look at him. He can't even walk out of his own house without being attacked. He gets something from the store and someone is sure to snap his picture. I feel really badly for him. He's being prevented from doing his job as a damn JOURNALIST because he's turned into a celebrity.
Of course, CNN and Anderson himself must play on his strengths for the popularity of his show and for who he is. I think it's backfiring a bit!
@Sharla Dawn
You sound like a jealous girlfriend or somebody that is friends with Anderson. You are being just as creepy as Rachel.
Give me a break. I am an admirer of Anderson and his work, not a fan, girlfriend, or friend of his. I feel the urge to defend him because he can't do it himself.
And I'm not creepy. Delusional fans with daydreams of loving someone they don't even know- are creepy.
Sharla Dawn, I had high hopes that you were mulling over the "Rachel" saga. Your take was well worth the wait, as you expertly covered all angles with an unbiased, honest, unselfish perspective. How funny that someone says you sound like a friend of Anderson's. Isn't that a more mature, appropriate stance to take versus secret brag blogging about your co-workers at the oh so tacky "Anderloads" tunnel?
Wow, anon3:22, thanks for the compliment. I would much rather consider myself to be an unknown friend and ally to Anderson, than one of his crazy fans. I
@anon 12:41 I'm very upset Eliza didn't publish all the love letters for us to read. She'll be back after thursdays' 360. Maybe then? Still hoping...
Sharla Dawn siad...
I would much rather consider myself to be an unknown friend and ally to Anderson, than one of his crazy fans.
You're right...you don't sound crazy or creepy. *snicker*
You are childish. I'm not even going to dignify that with a proper response.
hey anon go take your pills and carve another pumpkin.
Oh what a treat! It seems we’ve moved on from being self-righteous to name calling in true Freakspeaker fashion. It’s good to know that while this blog never taught anyone about Media Literacy, it sure has taught them how to be self-righteous and call people names.
Well unfortunately it's just like a car accident. People show up to stare at the blood and gore.
What a lovely trollathon! Let me get my coffee so I wouldn't nodd off and miss something good
where is Christiane?
She'll come back eventually- she's probably determining the best thing to say about the trolling on her blog, her haters, and the "Rachel" thing.
I bet Chris is closer than you think.
You needn't bother insulting those associated with this blog. They could care less what you think of them.
I never understood the problems people had with Chris and this blog. From the beginning, people were against her--people who bashed her for being rude and abrasive continue to troll this blog, call her names and verbally abuse her and those associated with her.
A while ago I was told under no circumstances would I be allowed into Anderloads simply because of my association with Chris. I have been ridiculed, disrespected, and griped at simply because of my friendship with her, and now they won't even let me into Anderloads.
Not that I really care, to be honest with you. I was curious about the group and wanted to know what the big deal was, that's all. I like Anderson and respect him but would not consider myself a "fan." Anderloads seemed like a nice way to meet lots of other people online.
But if those same people have the mentality as the moderator making decisions, then perhaps I don't need to make their acquaintance.
At any rate, this whole sorry saga has taught me a few things. First, never squander an opportunity given. I look at Rachel and see someone who threw away a terrific gift. Second, some people use the internet to take out all their meanness on others simply because they figure it's online and the other person isn't "real" to them.
But most importantly this just goes to show that nothing online is truly private.
Ultimately, I feel sorry for the people who are so full of hate and anger against Chris--a complete stranger who because she refuses to compromise herself became Anderson Cooper BlogWorld Enemy #1.
Grow up, people, and get over yourselves.
@anon 3:59 I didn't see any name calling towards anons in this thread. People commenting on this blog are not a clique as you suggest. Different people post here, they have different opinions, and their comments are let through -like yours. Isn't it a great concept? Unlike the blogs you came from.
You missed me! YOU REALLY MISSED ME!
Bravo! Bravo!
I don't understand why people have a problem with Chris and her blog either. You Freaks are always victims. Never mind that you constantly belittle other blogs with squee, take your medicine and tard references. How you claim not to be fans and are teaching Media Literacy, when 95% of your blog posts are about the above.
If you and the other Freaks want to be respected you've got to earn and all you freaks do is demand it.
@anon 5:17
If respects comes with stupidity, I rather not be respected.
@anon 5:17
You're proving my point. Thanks.
Thank you Courtney. Have you applied for the open intern job yet?
Where's Ivy? Isn't she the first line of denfense than you?
Do you ever have guts to have a point? You always sit on the sidelines and when things get tough, you run.
Libbey, is that you?
Yeah, I'm going to pack up and move to NYC for an unpaid position, just so I can be close to Anderson Cooper.
And I'll make sure to come back here and post all about it.
@anon 5:17
who's respect should Freakspeakers participants demand? Yours? Thanks for a laugh.
@court -hey! good point-)
I feel the urge to defend him because he can't do it himself.
What? He's a 39 yr old man. He can surely defend himself. He just chooses not to because he could care less about this crap.
@anon 5:34
It's called picking your battles. Some things just aren't worth the aggravation.
When things get tough, I run? You don't know me very well at all.
Silly girl! Tricks are for rabbits!
Was that supposed to be funny? I don't hear anyone but you laughing.
dear trolls, enough attacking courtney, go to next post!
Wow, you are after all like little children! Don't fight for nothing! MOVE ON already!
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