Thursday, May 03, 2007

Anderson Cooper and some lucky ones...

Hmm which one might be Christiane.... getting in trouble with this post... but I DON'T CARE!

27 comentarios:

. said...

Geez, what the hell is he holding in that one picture- a nine foot hoagie? Sheez. It's obviously from his ABC days or around then- and he is giving the oddest look to that woman, lol. I wonder wth was SO FUNNY? heehee

Anonymous said...

I left you a hello msg on your blog, newsjunkie - not realizing I could have done same here.

Christiane, which girl is you? I don't know...the only person I do know involves that french loaf Anderson is knawing on.

Anonymous said...

My guess, the lucky one in the green shirt, standing to the right of AC in the last picture?

. said...

Heehee, anon 4:27 go look at the comment page you left me. I said something to you.

But I would like to also point out here- the giant hoagie roll is further proof that at some point in time, that man actually ate FOOD.

Anonymous said...

Looks pretty cozy with the woman at the Freedom Ball

Anonymous said...

Thx newsjunkie. He ate a good amt of food during The Mole I & II. He also ate off the set. He liked the frites back then. The thinner, the better. That was then. Who knows if he eats now.

Where oh where are those other pictures?????

Anonymous said...

Woman in the french loaf picture is Katherine of the Mole season 1. That scene is on one of my DVD's from the show.

Woman in the Freedom Ball picture is Kathy Lee.

Anonymous said...

@newsjunkie, are you going to goto the book signging?

. said...

Hi anon 5:36,

Yes I’m going to go. The temptation to check out the crowd and see who shows up to fawn all over Anderson was just too much for me. I’m a people watcher, and you can bet I’ll write it up for everyone.

It just concerns me because of the posts on some of the more.... naughty blogs. Some were talking about how they dieted, or what should they wear (how about... clothes?). I am sitting here shaking my head because they’ve obviously got a preconceived notion of who they think Anderson is. They’re apparently focused on the “Anderson in their head” as to who they will be seeing on May 9th. You know... he’s not going to look into your eyes and fall madly in love, ladies and gentlemen! He’s going to be sitting there writing his name over and over a thousand times and getting a hand cramp! I’m going to get mine signed of course, why not, but honestly, I really don’t see what the big deal is.

So many others are going just.... insane. I hope that they are smart enough over there to at least have a list of people that they’re NOT going to let in. I mentioned before that they should cancel it because someone might attack him, but of course they won’t do that; they’re promoting the paperback version of Dispatches- it’s all about money, right? That’s pretty sad that the world revolves around money.

And oh, ladies (and apparently gentlemen)- I have a theory. Stop daydreaming about the wonderful and fantastic life you will have when Anderson rides off into the sunset with you. I say that for two reasons: (1) You’ve never met the man and therefore you don’t know what he’s really like and (2) observation of behavior tells me he’s recently hooked up with someone. Good for him! I hope he’s happy with whatever it is that he’s doing. Go Anderson, woohoo!

Anonymous said...

@newsjunkie, isnt that jumping to conclusions like youre always saying? What makes you so sure he's "hooked up" with someone? you can't get that from obseriving.

. said...

I thought I was the only one who was up this early in the morning.

@anon 6:39- You wanna bet? You can get a lot out of people even if they’re not saying a word. Let me explain it to you.

I am a Literalist. That means that I take what people say at face value. I don’t catch sarcasm easily, I can’t read between the lines, and you could lie straight to my face and I wouldn’t know. That is, unless I pay attention. Because I know that about myself I pay a great deal of attention to body language, facial expression, and voice tone. And because I’m a student of watching people, I’ve gotten rather good at it. Couple that with never watching 360 (hey, I warned them...), and the few times I watch Anderson I get to see him with a few weeks in between.

Let me give you an example that you’ll agree with. Anderson and Erica Hill. Everyone would agree that they really like each other, right? Well, what is leading you to that impression? I’m going to tell you. When he talks to Erica, he tilts his head, his voice tone gets more varied and is lighter, his eyes squinch (indicative of an inner smile), and he smiles when he talks. Also he ignores the teleprompter and just talks to her and says funny stuff and everything. Throw in the noises (like the shucks noise) and you’ve got a bonafide “I like you” going on. That’s great, I like Erica too!

So. I said a few posts back that Anderson looked like crap. Not only did he LOOK like crap, his voice had gone monotone, he was staring at the camera listlessly, and constantly looked like he wanted to take off running as soon as the hour was up. I hypothesized that he had some stresses going on in his personal life, and possibly the stalking issue was one of them.

Fast forward to April 30th. Upbeat, bouncing, cheery, voice going up and down, grinning like a Cheshire Cat, and cracking jokes left and right. (“What does a massage really mean in Washington?” OMG I nearly died laughing.) So what does that tell me? I don’t know about anyone else but my very first thought was “Geezus, that man finally got laid.” Well he IS a man the last time I checked. “It doesn’t matter how you swing it, everybody wants the same thing.” Thank you Jake Shears. I think it was referring to love not sex but whatever you get the point. So.... that’s why I came to the conclusion that he “hooked up with” someone.

Opinions from the peanut gallery?

Anonymous said...

newsjunnkie: I know he says he doesn't talk about his private life, but isn't it odd there are never any sightings reported of him out and about anywhere with any person he has hooked up with. If someone was seeing him for any length of time, I think they could only manage to be keep locked up in his apartment/house for so long so no one will see them.

. said...

@anon 6:55 (yes I swear sometimes I'm actually NOT on the computer....) yeah, I noticed that. Neither past nor present boy/girlfriends have ever surfaced. Maybe he's paranoid. If I were him I would be! Maybe he doesn't see anyone and just runs around minding his own business. One of my best friends is a 41 year old bachelor and he hasn't had a date in forever... you never know. But if I were Anderson, I'd have my lover hid under a rock and tell them never to come out!! People would absolutely tear whoever it is APART, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

Newsjunkie: If I were Anderson's lover, for any length of time at least, I would not want to hidden under a rock. Would you?

I mean, I would not necessarily be announcing we are lovers, but I'm not going to stay holed up inside while he goes about his business like I didn't exist, if you know what I am saying. I would want to be out and about just doing stuff with him.

. said...

I think with someone like Anderson you would have to be rather understanding on that point. If you loved him and he wanted you to be quiet, then, I'd say be quiet. I wouldn't mind, myself. Although I admit that after a while that would be hard because you would want everyone to KNOW you loved him, you know?

Anonymous said...

Newsjunkie: I agree with your point as well. I think I would want to keep a low profile myself anyway and he knows people would be all over a person he was serious with.

I was just saying, hey, let's go out to dinner tonight, or let's go to this museum event or whatever, just simple things, not advertising yourselves, and eventually somebody with a camera with be there.

. said...

And that's why celebrity SUCKS and I'd never want to be one!! People following you around, researching your past (and all those lovely mistakes you made) and blaring them all over for the world to see, scrutinize, and judge you on. Not cool. Celebrities are people just like you, just with, well fame and probably money. *I hate money and what it does to people* It's also not fair that those people aren't allowed to just live their lives as they see fit- they have to worry about the public.

Unfortunately Anderson is now a celebrity figure. He always was anyway, just because of who he is, but after being rocketed into super-stardom I don't think he was prepared for that. I feel sorry for him in that respect. Where did his life go? I wonder if sometimes he wished he weren't who he was and could just be someone normal.

Anonymous said...

What I don't get is the cyclical pattern that evolves between the bloging public and Anderson's mood and body language. The parallels between both are strangely surreal in a matter-of-fact sense. When the discussion of stalking was at the forefront of the news, he had a constant overstressed look on his face. He lost more weight, his skin looked jaundiced. Everything newsjunkie said and than some. Not a day after the gossip blogs claim he has a new love, Anderson does his 360 all perky, peppy, snarky and sexy. He's smiling from ear to ear. Friends, my husband, daughter and her friends, co-workers, all noticed. Still, internet gossip is crappy regardless of how you slice it. Coincidences don't change the leapords spots. While newsjunkie knows her stuff, I find it bizarre that his physical and emotional changes ride alongside the gossip. It seems Anderson has the ability to go with the flow of the take of his landish viewing public. That's unbelieveable. As for the crazies that diet, dress and primp before meeting Anderson...they must have a sad existance. Whether he is taken or not, the venues for the book signings have no place for him to park his white horse. He's not taking or giving out phone numbers. If a fan is lonely, the best bet is to find a man in the real world. Preferably someone who will be more than proud to show you off in public. Barack Obama needs the SS for protection, but he'll still walk the streets of DC and U of C with his family. If Anderson cared for someone beyond a quick fix, I think he would want them to get out from under the rock.

. said...

Well I agree with THAT. And like I said, it's all based on my personal observation and what I think. Someone can take 2+2 and get 5 and while it makes perfect sense to THEM... it's WRONG. I'm aware I could be totally wrong. He just mystifies me quite a bit because his behavior is so... weird.

And yeah, you'd think he'd want to get them out from under the rock, but, who knows what he's actually thinking? I don't.

Anonymous said...

I think that's the same situation for just about all of us HERE. It's that mystifying quality that brings us back for more.

Anonymous said...

And I can't wait to find out what Anderson wrote about in the new chapter he added to Dispatches.

Anonymous said...

Maybe someone (possibly me) will have the opp to get a copy. While I certainly am not sitting here on pins and needles in wonder, I'm a little curious what he wrote.

Anonymous said...

anon 2:39 Please fill us in if you find out sooner than next week!

marie said...

Only one person can be Christiane! ;)

Anonymous said...

His mood has changed considerably over the last week or so from how he was about a month ago. Something has lifted his spirits. If you've watched him a while it's easy to pick up.

Anonymous said...

The added chapter is supposed to be about the environment.

Anonymous said...

read the added chapter in the bookstore. Didn't see anything about the environment in it, but I read fast. Talked about his trips back to New Orleans, being on a float in the Mardi Gras parade and throwing beads, etc.


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