Friday, July 13, 2007

Essential Reporting: Michael Ware, Peter Bergen , Hala Gorani and Anderson Cooper at Yellowstone

I'm starting to like the one hour format of Anderson Cooper 360. It seems they can manage it in a lot more cohesive way. Last night was excellent. Michael Ware and Peter Bergen always have a way to explain complex situations in a manner that a 5 year old might understand, a real pity that Bush and friends still can't get it.

Michael, again, presents the reality of a day by day in Iraq. So much for the idiocy of Bush's last press conference. If he is really a Christian, isn't he ashamed? It's a real crime what they are doing to the troops, many of them entering their fifth tour of duty. And he still dares to ask people to keep on sacrificing for the sake of his private contractors!

Michael, as always, excellent!

Using the same term the Bush administration uses to describe the progress of benchmarks in the war agaisnt terror, Peter Bergen explores and explains what went wrong. Plain Black and White. Simple. And they still don't get it. And Bin Laden, probably with an harem drinking Piña Coladas....

This report is from Hala Gorani's Iraq Amputees from CNN International ( not aired at AC360) but we think its important and relevant to the first two stories. She presents a face of the civil iraqui population or the invisible victims of the war.

Anderson presented a new Planet in Peril report, Wolf Watcher at Yellowstone. It was nice to learn that they are no longer endangered. I, like many of you, were surprised to see Anderson Cooper with facial hair. Nice to the eyes!

And for your viewing pleasure... scruffy Anderson! Screen caps and videos compiled by Ivy

9 comentarios:

Anonymous said...

According to CNN's website, Anderson will be in the South Pacific the end of this month for another PIP story.

Anonymous said...

where did you find that about the south pacific in the cnn website? do you know the dates? what are the dates of the south pacific trip?

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for Ware and his reporting. That "excursion from reality" comment directed at Joe Lieberman was priceless! Again last night he was right on the money.

Anonymous said...

see the new Image of the day, the best is to see Bush talking about security and al-qaeda and Bergen's report back-to-back.

Anonymous said...


Click on Locations and then click on Carteret Islands.

"Located in the South Pacific, the Carteret Islands are fighting a losing battle against the ocean. It's estimated the six islands will disappear into the water by 2015. Papua New Guinea plans to relocate the Carteret's 2,000 residents.

But a debate centers on what is causing these islands to disappear: Is global warming to blame, or are the islands sinking into the sea, or have the residents permanently damaged the reefs that help to protect the islands from the ocean?

Anderson Cooper and Jeff Corwin will visit the islands in late July to investigate the issue."

Anonymous said...

3:35 PM:

Thanks for the link so we can bear witness to reading the information ourselves and then make up OUR OWN MINDS just like Anderson says. Some blogs are denying this is true information.

Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the link though I had since found it.

I find it very annoying when someone makes a statement and cannot back it up or give a link.

I am not saying you did it anon 10:37 AM, but it happens. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I love his facial hair. Looks like his beard is not gray yet.

Was he the animal the PIP segment was about?

Anonymous said...

The fact that the link WAS from CNN makes me question the credibility of the other blog who claimed CNN told them it was a rumor.


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