Monday, November 13, 2006

Anderson Cooper and the homeless veteran.

I have never been pro military organizations, but with this war I just can't get over the injustifiable sacrifice these men and women are asked to do under false premises and political lies. They are getting killed, wounded and those who make it back home sometimes it is just impossible to get their lives back. Many soldiers are from underpriviledged poor minorities that see the military as their only way out to improve their life and those of their families. When they return, the things they have to face are far from helping them improve their situation and ways of life.
Last Friday's story just broke my heart. It was great watching AC doing this feature, and much better that CNN actually could help this veteran getting his benefits. Contrary to the hatred that veterans from the Vietnam war faced back in the '70s, this time around most people understand the stupidity of the Bush / Cheney / Rumsfield, and I trully hope they will face international law courts for their crimes. Because it is not only the desicions they make on a day by day for the war, but it is the lack of proper equipment for their troops, and how they turn their back to them when they return.

Video Credit: Marie
And for more information you can check out Eliza's blog AC360 review in our link section

1 comentarios:

sydney said...

I'm curious if this poor gentleman also applied for Social Security disability. Receiving VA would not preclude him from getting that as well.


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