Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Anderson Cooper's 60 Minutes Debut...

Thank God it's not Kenny Chesney!

(CBS) CNN anchor Anderson Cooper will report his first story for 60 Minutes, an interview with Joe Darby, the man who touched off one of the biggest news stories of the war in Iraq when he gave authorities pictures of U.S. soldiers abusing Iraqi prisoners at the Abu Ghraib prison.

Cooper's report will be broadcast this Sunday, Dec. 10, at 7 p.m. ET/PT.

His appearance is the result of a deal between CBS News and CNN announced last May that provides for the CNN anchor to report as many as five 60 Minutes stories.

Cooper, the anchor of CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360˚," first reported for CBS News on 60 Minutes II — the broadcast that first reported the Abu Ghraib story.

One of his two reports during the 2004-05 television season broke the story of a doctor who prescribed steroids and human growth hormone to several players on the NFL's Carolina Panthers. The doctor subsequently was indicted on multiple counts of distributing the drugs and recently pleaded guilty to some of the charges. Congress held hearings and the NFL strengthened some of its drug policies.

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6 comentarios:

marie said...

Thanks for the heads-up Jade! :)

Jennifer said...

Not a problem...just reporting the facts ma'am. :)

courtney01 said...

That's cool. Guess I'll have to watch 60 Minutes this week then. Thanks, Jade.

Anonymous said...

AC knew better than to start off his 60 Minutes duties with a piece on Kenny Chesney, that would've sucked and made him seem like a lightweight.

Jennifer said...

@JT...I thought that CNN or someone recently had this guy on a few weeks ago, but thank God Anderson or someone came to their senses about story choice. He's hanging with the Big Boys now and needs to pitch great stories!

Anonymous said...

@Jade, Absolutely! Plus, we all KNOW Anderson's capable of so much more and he needs to capitalize on that.


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