Win Anderson Cooper! Oops...not quite, but close...
And I can't say that I'm really all that excited. For the next three Wednesdays, AC360 will be on the road, hence the location code that will appear, as part of the sweepstakes. Tonight he is in Washington D.C.
I wonder how many "dedicated" fans will be creating hundreds of new email addresses to better their chances of winning? I think there will be some very busy Anderfans today! In the end, Betty Ann or someone with the middle name of Ann will probably win anyway! Good luck to everyone who enters :)
And Anderson and David have both blogged today. I mock the blog because I love. And...okay....I find it a bit pathetic some of the responses that they post. CNN...wake up, smell the coffee, catch a clue.
Back to Cooper himself, have you seen the snazzy new commericals for 360? Wow. Talk about getting your senses worked up! That's a pretty hot advertisement for a news show...can't see Brian or Katie uttering those lines. Here are some caps of the new commercial, courtesy of liberation337. Thanks.
37 comentarios:
Ooh pretty. I actually haven't seen that and I'm not sure how that's possible with all the CNN I watch. It's probably because lots of time I doing something else and only listening. Must learn to look sometimes! :)
It's pretty cool! And I have to admit it's kinda hot they way he's talking into the camera about seeing it, tasting it...
Love the graphic treatment for it all too.
Would'nt that be against the rules to create multiple email addresses for the purpose of increasing one's chances of winning?
The rules say one entry per week, but does that mean one per email or one per person?
I think it's a loophole that people will try to take advantage of to win.
And some blogs are already "favored". Reportedly some have received the CNN press release via email.
Tasting it?
mmphmmphpmphm. know what a hard time my dirty little mind is having from writing my real thoughts on those words from the commerical.
And yes I realize that HE doesn't play for our team ;)
@Jade you and I think alike.
@Anna M...thank God I'm not alone :)
Welcome to the blog!
I saw that new AC360 ad last night and the "seeing it, tasting it, smelling it" lines were, um, provocative, but probably not in the way he intended!
Incessant 360 blog commentors, Lori Ann, Betty Ann and Jo Ann are probably VERY happy about the contest! I'm entering, but just for the autographed copy of Dispatches, we'll see what happens.
I'll take the Reporter's notebook. I already have an autographed copy that I got as a gift.
I contemplated whether I would enter the contest because I thought some as "jt" put it "Incessant 360 Blogger" with the middle name of "Ann" will win. But then I thought, oh what the heck. I'll take another book or reporter's notebook. Perhaps Anderson will personalize it especially for me...wishful thinking I'm sure. I also found it interesting that they ask for your age. Should I lie? Do you think they want a 18 year old or an old fart to win?
People probably will take advantage of any loopholes they find.
As for this "sweepstakes," one would have to be extremely lucky to win.
Don't lie about your age! I might shave a year or three off mine when I enter :)
I just want someone to win who won't be an embarassment to us all.
Of course, if I have a couple of martini's I can't be held accountable for my actions ;)
I can't decide if I want to enter the contest or not. Hmmm. It's not like I have a snowball's chance in hell to win.
Though it would be cool to get a copy of his book and take a trip to NYC. :-)
I can't decide!
I'd LOVE to go to New York City too, but I'd have to get over my fear of flying first and that's not going to happen anytime soon!
My age is not a factor since I am younger than him, however, my middle name is not "Ann" like Courtney, I don't have a chance. :(
Tonight's show was pretty good. Several moments made me snicker, but none as much as Anderson's obvious disdain for Dan Bartlett's comments about how we are winning the war in Iraq.
Anderson was almost sneering. It was priceless. :-)
Oh, and did anyone else notice that Anderson read Lorie Ann's comment from the blog? LMAO!
Can you believe it?! Lori Ann strikes again! It's not the first time AC's read her comments, maybe the second or THIRD time. I'm entering each week but I don't think any of us have a chance at winning that contest! The "Ann's" and ESPECIALLY Lori Ann, has it in the bag. Grrrrr. :(
Don't give up, JT! :-) We can't let them win!
Unfortunately, I did notice AC read Lorie Ann's comment on air tonight...when it came on the screen, I about fell out of my bed....sometimes I just give up with the whole ACBlog thing. Either that or I have to change my name to include "Ann" in the middle and make lame comments instead....GO FIGURE!
I entered the contest and I DID NOT lie about my age. Thought I should "keep it honest" in case they do any checking....
Did any of you remember when AC360 did the special on the population count? Well, Betty Ann submitted a comment on the blog about her dying 100+ year old aunt and then the AC360 Producers wanted her to email them. Did they ever run a segment on that? Don't remember seeing anything but the more I think about it, the more I believe Betty Ann is a favorite to win!
And some blogs are already "favored". Reportedly some have received the CNN press release via email.
It's not so much being favored as it is having the name "anderson cooper" in your blog name. The marketing person did a google search and sent it to ATA, and my blog (AC360) and probably any other that looked like a fan blog. Although I like to think I'm more than a fan blog. Hee.
I'll try to hang on to a shred of hope, but it's going to be hard going up against the "Ann" juggernaut!
@Jr, I remember when the 360 producers singled out Betty Ann for that report, but I don't think anything came of it. Hard to believe considering 360's apparent affinity for all things "Ann"!
Oh, no, Eliza. You're more than a fan blog, that's for sure! As our pal AC says, you look at all the angles. ;-)
@JR & JT,
that's why I think they are plants. Fake. Like they are interns or something who are just messing with the blog people.
And tonight I noticed Linda from AR had two comments posted on the same thread--the one about the ISG results. She also had one of her comments read live tonight on the show. She must be someone special, too. LOL
Why thank you Courtney. Though I love Mr. Cooper and his team dearly there's a part of me that's trying to be a constant pain in his behind. And I don't mean that in a dirty way. ;) Ooh, risque.
I don't think those people are plants. Or if they are they're interns doing it without permission because that could really hurt 360's credibility.
I respect what you're doing because I think it's important to keep tabs on the media. No matter how much we like Anderson or whatever, we still should be objective while watching the show and if we don't agree with something they're doing, we should speak out.
So yeah, that's why I like your blog.
Free advertising for you! :P
I think your blog is wonderful and you do a great job at summarizing the show...Like the new AC360 commercial states..."You gotta smell it, taste it, and see it".
If you think about it, the whole reason for the AC360 contest is to give a dedicated fan an opportunity to see "Behind the Scenes" of AC360. My guess is that CNN is hoping that once this contest is over...all those fans with "ANN" as the middle name will stop bugging them.
AC360 needs a good kick in the pants sometimes and that's one of the reason's why eliza's blog rocks so hard!
I love free advertising! I started doing the blog because I watched the show almost every night since Katrina and some nights they just totally ticked me off. And I knew I couldn't email them every night about it because whoa, stalker! So I blog. ;)
Thanks jr and jt. You guys related? Heh. I hope they're careful with whoever they pick for the contest. I'm not saying the "Anns" are stalkers, but they have stalker potential. And AC has already been through that. You'd think he'd be more wary.
No relation to "jt"; just using my initials. I have the same concern as you do about the winner being a potential "stalker". Like others have mentioned, I just hope the winner doesn't embarass the rest of us AC fans! AC doesn't deserve that and I'm actually quite surprised he agreed to this contest at all. I will also guess that "Behind the Scenes" means that exactly...observing the show and it won't be "Hanging out with Anderson" day!
@eliza, LOL. No, I don't believe we are related!
It is weird that the 360 team haven't noticed that the "Anns" are a constant presence on the blog. I guess they're too busy to pay attention to who's doing what, but I'm almost tempted to send in a comment to the blog asking if I have to have an Ann in my name to get posted or have AC read my comment on the air!
I'm off to bed, have a good night everyone!
I'm off also. It's too bad they don't give us the name of the ACBlog Producer...that's the person who needs to be aware of the "Ann" phenomenon. If you just post a blog comment, it will most likely not be read or just get ignored!
@eliza...I agree with all the comments here about your blog being great. It's not the typical fangirl blog which I just don't dig.
BUT, not all Anderson Cooper fan blogs were emailed the press release and that is just a hardcore fact. Nothing against you or anyone else, but I still see it as cheap and pitiful PR on the part of CNN.
Well, it wasn't the first time 360 content has shocked anyone and I predict it won't be the last time either.
Yes, we all need to add "Ann" to our name if we hope to have out comment read on-air! :P
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