Monday, December 18, 2006

Bits 'n Pieces

Awww, poor Perez Hilton. Looks like people finally got tired of him stealing their pictures and posting them at his blog. He's being sued by X17 Inc., a Los Angeles photo agency, for $7.6 million.

Anybody feel sorry for him?

Didn't think so.

A 37-year-old Tesco employee was arrested in the Ipswich prostitute murders. Interestingly enough, he had his own MySpace.

Wonder if Ted Bundy would have had his own MySpace? Hmmm.

Looks like AC360 has a new hook--a place on the website where you can send in your own "Keeping Them Honest" stories. They're gonna feature some of the stories on the New Year's Eve show.

Oh, don't forget to watch Wednesday night to get the location code to win the trip to NYC. You may or may not win a chance to get "behind the scenes of 360," but a visit to the Big Apple would be fun, right?

5 comentarios:

marie said...

Perez gets skewered again. Why am I not suprised?

Bye Jade!! Thanks for everything and we hope you will visit us whenever you can. :)

Anonymous said...

Jade is leaving??? -( that's a shame. I loved your posts, Jade, and I hope I'll still "see" you. Thanks for great work!

courtney, if anybody feels bad for Perez, it's not me

marie said...

According to what I have read, Perez was approached by X17 at a Hollywood event and Perez told them off..calling them "cunts." This made X17's people angry, which then led to the lawsuit.

I already saw way too much of Perez's "bits 'n pieces." eew!

marie said...

Well now, today is apparently the official start of "Perez Hunting" season. Lance Bass' bf is in on this too! Where is Elmer Fudd to make this official?

I think he (P) rather enojys this. If not, oh well.

MediaDoc said...

I think "Fair Use" doesn't apply to him, he is making business based on that people's work. If he wasn't that cheap, he would at least pay for their use.


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