Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Stupid Criminals and Other Things

WICHITA, Kan.(AP) - A Wichita man called 911 to report he was the victim of an armed robbery. The theft? A pound of marijuana worth about $1,100 that he had been trying to sell at his home.

The victim told police Thursday that a buyer had pulled out a sawed-off shotgun and stole the drugs.

Police brought in a drug-sniffing dog to the house and located more marijuana and drug paraphernalia.

The victim was booked into Sedgwick County jail on several charges, including possession with the intent to sell drug.

The thief has not been found.

AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - A Texas lawmaker is aiming to allow the blind to hunt. Texas State Representative Edmund Kuempel has introduced a measure that would allow blind people to hunt any game that sighted people can currently pursue.

He hopes it will be passed after the legislature reconvenes in January though he does not expect it to come into affect until 2008.

"This opens up the fun of hunting to additional people, and I think that's great," Kuempel told Reuters.

The bill may find little resistance in Texas, where politicians of all stripes endorse hunting, which is wildly popular in the state.

Under the bill, blind hunters would be required to have a sighted hunter with them and would be allowed to use laser sights and other devices that are currently not allowed.

"A blind person can shoot a rifle by mounting an offset pistol scope on the side of the rifle instead of on top," said Terry Erwin, the Austin-based Hunter Education Coordinator with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.

"This allows their companion behind them to peer over their shoulder and help them sight it, but the blind person can pull the trigger," he told Reuters.

Only in Texas, right?

19 comentarios:

marie said...

In the first blurb, was that the nephew of Jim Bob or Joe Bob that was arrested? :P

marie said...

The "Anns" have once again invaded, lol.

Jennifer said...

Funny stuff!

marie said...

Did anyone see that rude response that was just posted in the 360 blog? About the Rubik's cube.

I think it is very rude to leave a nasty response on anyone's blog.

marie said...

Funny story from my friend Anna (she lives in NYC):

The train was packed. There's this 5 inch wide spot that's near the floor that sometimes people use as a seat. Well a woman decided to sit there, then complained when I man got on and stepped on her feet.

He apologized and said he would be holding on so he wouldn’t fall on her. She went on to say that the train was too crowded and that he had no business getting on! lol Well he said she had no business sitting there when the train was so crowded.

Then she said that she doesn’t want to stand when the train is packed with “fat human heaters.” So the man said “decaf for you from now on.”

Then this other woman got pissed and said “hey you were looking at me when you made that comment.” Well I couldn’t hear what the woman sitting said in response but I could tell she held her ground. lol

I got off the train, along with the woman who was offended, but she stood by the door and peeped in at the woman sitting and said “I’m getting back on this train so we can continue this, so don’t think I can’t hear what you’re saying about me” lol

This happened during her commute this morning. I just have to wonder why people act like that?

At any rate, I am glad I get to drive a car!

Anonymous said...

If only there were some way that the 360 blog handlers could toss Betty Ann and Lorie Ann's boring comments into the "fireplace", like Betty Ann said she did with her Rubik's cube. :(

Anonymous said...


I totally agree with you! Betty Ann should just send an email to Anderson direct rather than making us all suffer reading her comments that are written specifically to impress him. It's as though she is trying to get Anderson to "fall" in love with her via the blog....

Jennifer said...

Betty Ann and all those trying to reach out to Anderson via the 360 Blog make me want to yack.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely JR and Jade.

Anderson might peruse the 360 blog and check out a few comments here and there, but it seems to me that he's probably looking at political blogs or other areas that relate to whatever he's going to be covering on the show, so Betty Ann's pathetic AC "seduction" posts are a complete waste of time!

courtney01 said...

Seduction posts?!?

Man, what the hell did I miss?

Jennifer said...

@Anon 4:34..."seduction" posts...that just conjured up all sorts of dirty images in my

I work a lot...I need to get a life :)

Anonymous said...

And once again, the BettyAnn and LorieAnn have suspiciously similar syrupie posts one right after the other. Maybe these two gals are actually octagenarians residing in the same retirement community. I have to think that 360 is rolling in laughter as they post every idiotic response these two bags email.

Jennifer said...

Uh...Mel Gibson...yup time for me to hit the sack. I like Cooper a lot better without Gibson.

See you guys on the flip side. Don't forget to enter the sweepstakes tonight!


courtney01 said...

It's actually not a bad interview, though I can see Gibson is getting frustrated with Anderson's repeated questions about the incident. His obvious frustration and resentment is making me uncomfortable.

Why can't Anderson just let it go and move on to another topic? UGH!

marie said...

I actually enjoyed watching Anderson being a thorn in Mel's side!

marie said...

Something just happened on 360 and I am way too embarrassed to admit anything other than "I wrote that."

Anonymous said...

@ Marie, If you got your blog comment read on air by Anderson, it's nothing to be embarrassed about. That's like winning the lottery, IMO, it doesn't happen very easily, unless your name has an Ann in it!

Anonymous said...

Well, I see that another "Ann" comment got posted on the show tonight...that being Kerry Ann. The "Ann" saga continues.....

Anonymous said...

I'm REALLY going to try to get Anderson to read my comment on air before the year is up. If I have to attach an Ann to get it to happen, then damit, I'm doin' it!

Wait, maybe Marie WAS Kerry Ann!


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