And now Anderson is in the middle of... industrial Manaus!
Well tonight is the expected Chesney interview.... I think we will be blogging live... depending of how the piece goes... because I might tune in Bill Maher instead. But in the meanwhile, here are some interesting information of the city of Manaus, from where Anderson Cooper Petting Zoo expedition is supposed to be transmited next Monday. Probably he rather pet a little piranha instead of going back to New York... that would be a great headline: Jeff Corwin saves Anderson Cooper of the Piranhas, although I think that kid - AC - knows how to swim with sharks...
Short briefing on Manaus, Amazonas - Brazil
Manaus (formerly Manáos) is a city in northwest Brazil and capital of Amazonas State. Located on the Negro River near its confluence with the Amazon, it is the chief port and a hub for the region's extensive river system. Manaus estimated population is 1,800,000 inhabitants.
Manaus is a cosmopolitan city and, because of its location in the middle of the Amazon Rainforest, it attracts a substantial number of Brazilian and foreign tourists who can find plenty of boat and land trips into the surrounding jungle. A great diversity of wildlife can be found even in the surroundings of Manaus. It is also place for one of the most endangered primates in Brazil: the Pied tamarin.
The Amazonas Theather , an opera house built in 1896 is a notable landmark of Manaus, reflecting the massive wealth of the turn of the century rubber boom. The theatre was prominently featured in Werner Herzog's 1982 film Fitzcarraldo. The elegant interior of this 1896 opera house, completed after 15 years, contains crystal chandeliers, wrought-iron banisters, and Italian frescoes; it also contains a museum. Enrico Caruso and Sarah Bernhardt performed there.
Manaus is one of the most isolated metropolitan areas of the world, accessible by ground transportation only by two highways or by the rivers surrounding the city. The city is served by the Eduardo Gomes International Airport.
Manaus time is 1 hour earlier than Brasília, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro (GMT - 3 hrs). Roughly two-thirds (60%) of the population of the Brazilian state of Amazonas (which has an estimated population of 2.8 million habitants) lives in Manaus or in the greater metropolitan area.
It is warm all year round and, there is a `dry season' in the summer months of July - August - September, the period of the conference, with the temperatures around 26 °C - 36° C.
Although the main industry of Manaus through much of the last century was rubber, it is no longer as important as it once was. Given its location, timber and Brazil-nuts make up important trades, as do petroleum refining, soap manufacture and chemical industries. Over the last decades, a system of federal investments and tax incentives have turned the surrounding region into a major industrial center as a Free trade Zone (the Zona Franca of Manaus).
On October 24, 1848 Manaus was granted city status and became the Capital of the state of of Amazonas since 1850. .
Years later, one of the most important economic booms hit the state: the Rubber Trade. During these years, northern immigrants fled the droughts and settled down near the rubber plantations. There was only one dream: to get rich. At the same time, English alliances played an important role in improving the city infrastructure. A sewer system, plumbing, electricity, a port, and electric streetcars contributed to the city's development. Many of these services did not even exist yet in other parts of the country.
The Rubber Boom was an era of great luxury during which time merchants sent their children off to Europe to study and the local buildings were built entirely of material imported from Europe. The famous Teatro Amazonas opera house and the Mercado Municipal market are highlights of this time and even today remain proud landmarks of a local architecture whose style denotes neoclassicism and art nouveau influences.
Later, for half a century the city suffered from the drastic plunge in rubber prices brought about by Asian competition. As a solution to this problem and to ensure that regional development would continue, a Free Trade Zone was created in Manaus in 1967. As a result, Manaus experienced a massive influx of tourists and a number of hotels were constructed to cater to the growing tourist industry. Today, the Free Trade Zone is still the State's main source of income.
In the last 20 years, Manaus population grew from 200,000 to almost 2 million in 2000.

Manaus Opera House They are known for using sloths instead of puppets in their children theater. ( FYI I'm being sarcastic here!)

Manaus University
Universidade Federal do Amazonas Cool Classroom!
A pity that you can't go around nekkid or at least topless...

The system of river in the Amazon region, which offers one of the world’s greatest natural spectacles, is an important network of navigable freshwater waterways integrating the most diverse regions in the country. Both the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans can be reached through such waterways. This fact has attracted many maritime transportation companies motivated by the average increase of 70% in exports throughout the last four years. This has awarded the Manaus Industrial sector one of the best exporting performances in the country.
The increase in exports has reflected the aggressive policy adopted by the established industries in the search for new markets. The Manaus Free Trade Zone products have at their disposal the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) comprising such countries as Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. Together they add up to approximately 12-million square kilometer geographic area with a 217-million people market and a GNP in excess of U$ 1 trillion representing one of the world’s fourth largest economies.
MERCOSUR has also signed Free Trade Area Agreements with Bolivia, Chile and the Republic of South Africa that turns it into a 282-million people market.
Another potential market for the PIM’s exports is the CAN (Andean Community) Free Trade Area comprising such countries as Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru with a 105-million people market and a GNP of 267 billion Dollars. And, furthermore, NAFTA, European Union and Japan.

Major exporter
The main stimulus to the growth of Manaus has been the development of a free trade zone, founded in the mid-1960s by Brazil's then military government and now cited as one of the country's great economic success stories. People call Manaus 'Brazil's China' - outsiders find it hard to believe such industry exists in the heart of the jungle Jose Johnes Lima, Wapmetal The Manaus Free Trade Zone employs 125,000 people in nearly 500 industries. Honda has one of its biggest factories outside Japan in Manaus and produces more than one million motorbikes a year both for the Brazilian market and for export. Locals boast that every TV set in Brazil is made in Manaus. Nokia, the Finnish telecoms giant, employs 1,500 in the zone, Gillette has its biggest plant in South America in Manaus, while US motorbike manufacturer Harley Davidson has its only factory outside the US in the city.
Brazil's China
Yet this manufacturing powerhouse - located in a city surrounded by vast tracts of jungle and where temperatures rarely drop below 30C - is to some extent cut off from the outside world. There are only a few dirt roads out of Manaus. The main means of transport is either by air or by navigating the mighty Amazon - a five-day boat journey from Brazil's Atlantic coast 1,000 miles away. "People call Manaus 'Brazil's China'," says Jose Johnes Lima, the head of Wapmetal's factory in the free trade zone. "Outsiders find it hard to believe such industry exists in the heart of the jungle," he says. "This place is booming with many plants working 24 hours a day. In Sao Paulo we employ 600, but demand is growing so fast in Manaus, we decided to open a second factory here."
Skilled workers
For many years, the Manaus Free Trade Zone functioned as a low-cost assembly area. In the early 1990s, in the midst of a currency crisis in Brazil, the government brought in new laws, which insisted on ever greater shares of local content in goods manufactured in the zone. "For a few years, life here was very tough," says Fabio Silva, a technical manager at the large local plant of Samsung, the South Korean electronics group. "People feared it might be the end of employment in the city, yet we had built up a skills and technical base and both foreign and Brazilian companies have found Manaus a very good place to manufacture. "Twenty years ago there were only three colleges in the city; now there are 19 technical colleges and university institutions, and companies come here to take advantage of the expertise available."
Soaring sales
Manaus has had a mixed history. In the 19th Century, the city grew rich on the proceeds of rubber, tapped from trees native to the Amazon. Local rubber barons and foreign traders built mansions. The city's famous pink opera house, the Teatro Amazonas, is testament to the wealth of those times, with its ornate sculptures and lavish furnishings imported from Europe. The main market, the Mercado Central, where traders gut and sell a seemingly infinite variety of Amazon fish, was also built during the rubber boom years, modelled on the old Les Halles market in Paris. Those prosperous years came to an end as new, more efficient rubber plantations opened up in what were then the British colonies of Ceylon and Malaya. Manaus, which lies close to where the three great tributaries that form the Amazon meet, went into a long period of decline. The free trade area has reversed the fortunes of Manaus, with unemployment in the city at 5%, compared with a countrywide official figure of more than 10%.
Environment worries
But there are concerns that Manaus is becoming a victim of its own success. Infrastructure development has failed to keep pace with the city's growth. Manaus has no sewage plant. The bustling port is often unable to cope with the volume of goods going up and down the Amazon. Many electronics components for the city's factories are flown in, but bottlenecks have developed, particularly in the wake of the recent financial turbulence at Varig, Brazil's national carrier. There have also been complaints by workers about having to work excessively long shifts, and wages remain much lower than those paid in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Brazil's economy has expanded in recent years, with the value of exports nearly doubling between 2002 and 2006. However, environmentalists have expressed growing concern that vast areas of the Amazon rain forest are being deforested in order to feed the fast expanding trade in agricultural products. Eduardo Braga, Governor of Amazonas, says the success of the Manaus Free Trade Zone has led to his state having the lowest deforestation rate in Brazil. "Industry, not agriculture, is the driving force in Manaus," says Mr Braga. "We are proud to call the Free Trade Zone our green area. It provides jobs and income to many thousands of people, while at the same time, it helps to preserve the greatness of the rain forest." Story from BBC NEWS:
48 comentarios:
I'm hairy, probably he will like to pet me
I appreciate the information here but you've obviously lifted this bodily from somewhere else without crediting that person's hard work. At the bottom you have a "story by BBC" but I'm not sure which story you're referring to because it looks like you've copied more than one. Where do the maps come from? Where did the pictures come from? The information at the top doesn't seem to be from the same source as the information at the bottom. How do I find out more on my own if you don't include this information? Thanks!
I think he is live from industralized cities because he needs to be able to be live on tv, and otherwise this will not be possible. To get deep into the forest and bring pieces live would take a lot of effort, and weeks of work before they even attempt to transmit live
Lord, if I wanted to look something up in the encyclopedia, I would. What a waste of blog space.
Wow, I must have missed the memo. I know I don't check in here very often, but when did this blog get taken over by AnderHaters? I haven't read such Cooper-contempt since the last time Harry Shearer posted at Huffington.
Don't get me wrong - there's nothing wrong with that. It's your blog and if that's the direction you want to go, there's enough Anderson-hatred out there that you would probably find a readership. After all, the most trafficked Olbermann blog is the anti-Olbermann 'OlbermannWatch'.
I just think that you should nail your colors to the mast and stop pretending to be a pro-Anderson blog. Call yourself CooperWatch or something.
@anon 4:35
You obviously missed your last dose of Prozac, or is it lithium?
The short bus will be stopping within the hour to return you to the asylum you wandered away from.
wow, anon5:52, I haven't heard such a withering putdown since the last time I stopped by the playground looking for you. You cut me to the quick. I shall have to lie down and sniff smelling salts, I'm so deeply, deeply wounded. *snicker*
Learn to read, dear. "Christiane" has an agenda.
If you follow the previous related entries you will find most of the sources from where the information was compiled.
@anon 3:38
That is more likely, the problem is when the corporation misleads the public and keep on fomenting and perpetuating stereotypes about cultures and countries.
@anon 3:52
Please don't waste your time, I think you have plenty of things to check, although by your ISP you spend a lot of time lurking around here.
You are indeed a little lost, there is already another blog with that name.
@ANON 4:35 (2)
Yes the agenda is called Media Literacy.
They're really "ruffing" it in the Amazon huh? Manaus looks likes more like a resort.
Well, Christiane, I seem to be missing a vital piece of information. How is 'media literacy' advanced by your pasting together a bunch of googled information? Are you imagining that the 360 producers are reading your blog, slapping their foreheads and yelling eureka? They're filming whatever they're filming (and we're clearly only seeing a fraction of it), and your 'essays' appear to be a personal ego-boo to impress your easily-impressed readership.
Perhaps I'm unduly influenced by your written 'tone of voice', but phrases like "Anderson Cooper Petting Zoo expedition" and the entirety of your post "My vacations with Anderson Cooper" present the impression of someone who considers herself not only superior to Anderson Cooper, but to anyone and everyone who works for CNN. I'm open to be persuaded that you don't intend to leave that impression. But you need to be aware that you are leaving it.
@ anon 4:35
Trust me, CNN knows what they are doing, like all other news organizations, Media Literacy is for the viewer in order for them to not take the information for its face value. When Media Literacy is not fomented, and when people are lazy enough to not even google for more information about a subject, crass errors like the War in Iraq or the possible new military conflict with Iran are made.
If you don't like the content of this blog, as I always stated, there are plenty of CNN, Anderson Cooper related blogs around the internet. Pick one of your liking.
I don't believe those commenting on this blog are "AnderHaters". IMHO, we are intelligent well versed AC360 viewers who expected more out of the "Planet in Peril" reports than was presented that's all.
I look at it as though we are providing constructive criticism and it's aimed not only at AC but his production team, who, are just as responsible for the quality of the show. And can this be done in a snarky way...why not?
Leaves room to watch AC's 60 minutes interview....
Since when are "fans" not allowed to present constructive criticism?
JR, for what it's worth, my comments were not about the commenters here, but the blogger herself.
Yes, jr, I think "constructive criticism" sums it up nicely. We're not worshipers. We like him, yes. Worship? No. I personally can't even look at those other blogs because they sort of freak me out. I like the realistic ones like this one and AndersonCooper360Review by Eliza.
It's so easy to throw stones when you are posting anonymously...
From now on if someone wants to comment in this blog, they have to be registered id users.
Yes, I see you're dedicated believers in constructive criticism... until you receive some yourself. I expect you will go to moderated comments next.
My point, Courtney, was that since Christiane seems to have developed a distaste for Anderson Cooper and 360, she should more accurately describe her blog. She's certainly free to blog about whatever she wants and describe it however she wants, I'm just saying the readers notice the disconnect.
And please don't characterize that vast expanse of encyclopedic pasting as 'constructive criticism'.
This blog has never been described as a "fan" blog, Anon.
But then, from what I understand, you're not exactly a newbie here, so you should know that.
"Freaking out on Anderson Cooper 360, great journalists, international news and playing by the rules..."
Yeah, you're right, Courtney. Completely ambiguous, and could be taken a number of ways. I clearly misinterpreted it.
And I don't know what you think you 'understand', but I used to read here back in my 'read every Anderson blog in the universe' phase, but have never felt the need to comment, or even read very regularly. Christiane's latest 'freak-out' was, I thought, uncharacteristic, but since it clearly isn't, I leave you to it.
@anon -- Anderson haters? So if seeing AC on tv doesn't affect you're hearing and mental functions you're Anderhater? You have really twisted logic.
@anon 435 Since when this blog was Anderson worship blog? Read blog description over.
Sorry you misunderstood, but from the beginning, this blog was never labeled nor meant to be labeled as a fan blog. This was supposed to be a discussion blog about various media-related topics. We did talk about Anderson on occasion (and 360, by extension) but we never "marketed" ourselves as a fan blog in the vein of ACE, TSF, or ATA.
Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Prozac is used for treating psychosis.
Lithium is used for treating manic/depression.
Thank you anon 5:52 for exposing two trolls here. We appreciate it. :)
@court -- Actually TSF constantly made info posts trying to give more context based on topic of the show. Nobody seemed to complain there.
@anon(s) Why do you find it impossible that people who like and respect Anderson would like his show to be good, for the sake of the viewers who need a quality news program and for his own sake? And if the show or his work isn't not on the desired level, what's wrong in pointing that out?
Lordie... I'm clearly not getting my point across. Ivy, this isn't about you, nor is it about Courtney. It is solely and only about the blogger.
Courtney, you (and other commenters) seem to have bought into the high school debating canard that all criticism is constructive criticism. There's a lot of different ways to criticize; you can mock, like Jossip, or poke affectionate fun at, like Rachel Sklar at Eat the Press. Eliza effects a sort of sardonic 'more in sorrow than anger' humor on her blog. Then there's the mean-spirited (Gawker, Perez) and contemptuous (Harry Shearer at Huffington).
Now here's Christiane:
"An exotic location, with an Epcot Center feeling, the sense that you are there, but in reality it is just a facsimile with a checklist of clichés... Topless women in the background, checked! ... Naked big belly children running around and curious about the “white man” and his camera, checked! ... Anderson Cooper in a stoic poise, checked, checked, checked!"
Funny, yes, and the criticisms are ones I've certainly heard applied to Cooper before. But they were applied by virulent CNN-hating Fox-watchers on the mixed boards. And dumping the contents of an encyclopedia over one's disagreeable rant doesn't then somehow make it suddenly 'constructive', even if the information itself may be. Am I being 'constructive' by telling you you dress funny and then explaining how to change an air filter?
For what it's worth, going back several pages here, it appears that this know-it-all meanness is a new departure for this blogger; perhaps it's a temporary aberration brought on by jungle fever or something.
Let me emphasize that I would never suggest that Christiane can't say anything she wants on her own blog. I'm just pointing out, to those sweet-natured among you who think she is being 'constructive', that she's not.
This is really funny, phony!
I have to give you credit... register an account and share the user name with someone else... who happens to stalk this site as much as the original anon...
Once Jenn pointed out at our stats report that the original anon has spent more time on this blog than any of the moderators, even myself, and the second anon comes very close in its lurking visits.
Its a pity, you both started a campaign against this blog over yours, and it didn't take off. You showed your own colors and ended up imploding.
About your RACIST COMMENT "on by jungle fever or something", it reminds me of your description of Senator Barak Obama as a "half breed", which disappointed a lot of your readers.
As amusing as both your comments might seem, I wont tolerate hate comments, racism hidden by "constructive criticism".
Whoa. *backs slowly away from the crazy lady*
@anon 435
I wasnt and am not taking yours and other anon's comments personally. I'm just trying to make sense of you allegations.
Courtney, you (and other commenters) seem to have bought into the high school debating canard that all criticism is constructive criticism. Did you just call her dumb or immature? It surely sounds like that -- and you said you have nothing against Courtney. What gives you the right to suggest that anyone posting here can't think for themselves or are under the spell/brainwashed by the blogger?
the quote from Christiane's post you picked shows you missed the point. I and others who come here can read too. It was clearly critisizing and joking about show's production.
And btw, I'm sure we met on other blogs before. why can't you use a nick that you used or use on other blogs to make things easier?
oh well... I was being anon here because I didn't want crazies from datalounge following back to my blog, but it's been moribund for months, so what the hell...
Christiane, I don't know who The Voices are telling you I really am, but for the record, my only posted comment about Senator Obama ever was an appreciative wolf-whistle at the published photos of him in a swimsuit. How that fits in to your Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory I do not know. Maybe the Voices will tell you.
If you're flattered at the time I apparently spend here, it saddens me to tell you I have multiple browser windows open at any given time with upwards of twenty open tabs. Sorry, but I'm really not that into you.
The Commenter Formerly Known as Anon435
"I was being anon here because I didn't want crazies from datalounge following back to my blog"
talking about delusions!
@ marie
Just a minor clarification. Prozac is not used to treat psychosis. It is used for the treatment of depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, PMS and at times even for headaches, and the list goes on-But it is not used for psychosis.
I'm starting to delete your comments from this moment on. You are a professional troll and flamer as one can witness from the CNN, Huffington and other professional on line that have tagged you as ABUSIVE.
Probably you ran out of options and as you clearly stated in a previous posts,
"following back to my blog, but it's been moribund for months, so what the hell..."
so you feel you are entitled to come here, offend me, the readers and regular participants. It is not going to happen. It is not our style.
There are over 50 million blogs out there for you to chose. If you, or one of your friends, don't like the content of MY BLOG, feel free to leave. You won't be missed.
Actually, I just saw that there are more than 55 million blogs, according to Technorati :)
poor thing, she will be very lost!
I have to admit that I like to watch train wrecks and people looking like bigots and asses.
Chris: can we keep her? Just for entertainment sake. PLEASE!
uh, I'm confused. Courtney and Christiane are two different people.
@anon - You must be on something. If you're tying to suggest Courtney and Christiane is the same person you're totally off-target. Therefore it is an insult to both.
Anon and Ivy - CC doesn't have any trouble deciding someone she's never met or heard of before is some sinister racist enemy of hers (see "Christiane's" spittle-flecked rant @9:54), so I don't see why she (or you) should be so offended that I should merely point out that I've never seen the two of them together.
Have you? Didn't think so.
@anon 11:10
1.The "jungle fever" comment could be percieved as racist, regardless of connection to previous attacks on this blog and blogger.
2. that I've never seen the two of them together. Have you? Didn't think so. What in the world was that about?
3. Ok, you don't like recent posts by Christiane. Why are you attacking Courtney, who
is no longer a moderator here and wasn't around for a while?
4. I tried to get your logic, but it's either absent or on the level of a 1st-grader. If that. First sign of a troll. Unless you start making sense and do it in a non-insulting manner there's no point of responding to your gibberish.
I don't mind some criticism or debate on the different viewpoints but when "Anons" start bashing the moderator of this blog as well as other commenters, then that is just simply "below the belt" tactics that should be left for the "kiddies" and immature people. I say "ignore" them because they are just looking for attention.
If you read the entire post it is clear the title and the credit of the article: Brazil's resurgent Amazon powerhouse By Kieran Cooke Manaus, Brazil, you jumped directly to the end.
Do you ever credit the photographers' hard work when you use their images in your videos?
I like this blog because you always posts more information of the stories that appear at AC360. You spend a lot of time doing research, and I truly appreciate it. Other blogs don't do half of your job.
I am from Brazil and I am very happy that you posted this information. I agree with you that they presented a lot of stereotypes, and our reality as a nation is very complicated. We care about our forest. And we care about our people.
Maria Voivodic
São Paulo
@9:33 The Rachel @2:55 is not the Rachel that does the videos.
@ Anon 9:33
Um, first off I would like say that the Rachel that left the comment here on 2/18/07 at 2:55 is not me. If you see from my comment today I have my profile still up and it still goes to my other blog. Rachel is a pretty common name. If in doubt please ask Christian to check the IP address.
But to answer your question, no, I don't give credit to photo on my videos.
Thank you anon at 10:16 for clearing this up and for the heads up.
OMG Rachel, I followed your link back to your blog, ACooperVision, which I'd actually never seen. Mostly because I don't like fan blogs, but whatever. I watched your video from YouTube to FilthyGorgeous.... oh, my. GOD, I LOVE THE SCISSOR SISTERS. I'm actually going to their concert in New York City on March 3. Of course, now every time I hear FilthyGorgeous I might have trouble keeping a straight face!!!
@ Sharla Dawn,
Thanks Sharla... I'll be going to the Dallas and Houston shows March 15th and 16th. They are fab live...have fun.
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