February 17, 2007 -- ANDERSON Cooper, one of New York's most eligible men, appeals to both genders. When a lunch date with the CNN anchor went on the block at the Puck Building the other night at the benefit for Bailey House, which helps AIDS victims, British bachelor Oliver Hicks bid aggressively and won the date for $21,000. Hicks, who shuttles between New York and Los Angeles, runs production company North Six. "The invitation allows him to bring a companion, but I have a feeling he will go solo," said one source. "Anderson is cute," said Hicks.
Poor Anderson, I simply don't understand why public figures go with this. They expose themselves to a very bad experience... I have a feeling with this Hicks guy... somehow I can easily imagine them surrounded by cameras documenting his "date" with Anderson dor promotion of his North Six... just my hunch... GET A CHAPERONE ANDERSON!
North Six Page
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12 comentarios:
First! you got it FIRST!
Does anybody else feel like this is just too close to prostitution? Let's hope that Brit isn't as creepy as he seems...
@chris-- the photo is awesome, that' exactly how it's gonna look like... Charity is a good cause, but something about this auction idea is repulsive.
Wow, only $21,000? That's kinda sad.... lol. And I'm really sure they won't be alone. Especially with some fan (male or female) likely to try and jump him and tear his clothes off.
After looking at the North 6 website, I can't help but think that this Hicks guy is just looking for some free publicity for his company. AC is smarter than that!
Slightly disturbing, even though it's for charity...
I can't imagine paying for a "date" with Anderson--or anyone else, for that matter. It's kind of creepy.
Anderson should pay this guy back and get out of that "date". I mean if I were him I would pay the guy double the price to make sure he had some kind of "profit" out of this "investment", (and would leave me alone)!
This guy seems repulsive in my opinion...
Message to Anderson:
Please wake up will you! Stop allowing people to pimp you like this-starting with your boss!
This is getting absurd. You have some much to offer and yet you feel you have no option than to sell yourself short. I want to see more of your brains and less of your images. You have the experience and capacity to make it to the big leagues yet you seem to be settling more and more. Come on! Surround yourself with people who care more about you, not about your "potential"!
How much did Barbara Walters get?
@ anon 8:17
Rumor has it that the starting bid for Barbara Walters was 5 dollars. Who knows? Maybe the Trump won. he could pay twice as much...LOL!!!
Good lord, people - take your pills! Prostitution? These silly meet-your-favorite celeb auctions have been around for decades without anyone actually finding themselves trapped in a slavery situation. You all sound like a bunch of hyperactive teenagers.
FWIW, Tim Gunn (Project Runway) reports that he 'sold' for 3K and lunch with Barbara Walters went for 7K. The only thing unusual about this story (other than this blog's weird and inexplicable hysteria about it) is how much more Anderson went for than the other lunch dates.
@anon 3:41
Last time I checked, we were all entitled to our opinions. Personally, I find ALL celebrity auctions tacky, not just this one. The idea of paying for someone is ridiculous, in my opinion.
I see no one getting hysterical about this, just stating their opinions. Perhaps you're the one who needs to take a pill?
~Courtney (who's brave enough to share her name rather than post anonymously
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