DON´T MISS The Journalist and the Jihadi, the Daniel Pearl Story
This weekend, through CNN's SIU, they will be presenting HBO formidable documentary The Journalist and the Jihadi. It's must see tv. Check it out!This documentary addresses the issue that we talk a lot about: how journalists endanger their lives covering a story and how personal information is used to harm them.
- The jihadists claimed he was a CIA agent
- They used his jewish background for torture and excuse to execution
- Even today, Linda - his widow - and his child, are in danger of violent repercussions.

The debut of THE JOURNALIST AND THE JIHADI: THE MURDER OF DANIEL PEARL coincides with events taking place around the globe between Oct. 6 and 15, and organized by the Daniel Pearl Foundation, which battles cultural and religious intolerance through journalism, music and dialogue.
Through the words of Pearl's family, friends and colleagues, as well as FBI agents and State Department employees involved in negotiations for Pearl's release, and those who knew Sheikh best, including former schoolmates and associates, the documentary explores the forces that led to the tragedy.
Interviewees also include noted philosopher and author Bernard-Henri Levy; Pakistani police officials; Khalid Khawaja, a retired squadron leader of the Pakistani air force and a former Pakistan Intelligence Officer, known for his links with extreme religious organizations; and Maulana Shamszai, a noted Islamic scholar and the leading source of inspiration for the Taliban, and head of a madrassa (Islamic religious school) in Pakistan.
Ahmed A. Jamal has received numerous awards for his films, including "Who Will Cast the First Stone?" and "The Beach Boys of Sri Lanka." Through the independent production company First Take Ltd., he has made several groundbreaking documentaries, including "Dead Man Talking," "The Bounty Hunter," "The Dancing Girls of Lahore," "Camel Kids," "Iran - The Other Story" and "The Fundamental Question."
Ramesh Sharma is an award-winning feature film and TV producer-director. His Moving Picture Company India Ltd. is among the leading production houses in India. Sharma's list of credits includes the feature film "New Delhi Times," an award winner at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, as well as numerous acclaimed documentaries, including "Rumtek," "Drikung - A Faith in Exile," "Afghanistan - The Taliban Years and Beyond" and "Jihad - The Sword of Islam."
THE JOURNALIST AND THE JIHADI: THE MURDER OF DANIEL PEARL is an HBO Documentary Films presentation, co-produced by Moving Picture, First Take Ltd. and Distant Horizon. Directed and produced by Ahmed A. Jamal and Ramesh Sharma; producer, Anant Singh; narrated by Christiane Amanpour; written by Amit Roy; edited by Tony Appleton; music by David Heath. For HBO: executive producers, Sheila Nevins and Lisa Heller.
10 comentarios:
I always feel afraid for Anderson. Many dumb asses think the world is just Manhattan, and news are Page 6 and Gawker. There is no need to expose his private life by any means nor issues.
I bet he is going to a couple of Grammy parties this weekend.
Is there any way someone could post the whole mj article this weekend. I would love to read it, but can't find it.
If someone could that would be great and would make for a great weekend.
Thanks and I love your blog. Read it all the time, but first time posting.
I'm looking forward to this special on Daniel Pearl. Much more interesting than 360 the last couple of nigts.
Thanks for the reminder and recommendation to watch this SIU special. I'll post more comments after I watch.
The Daniel Pearl story sounds really fascinating, thanks for letting us know about it. I hope I'm able to catch it.
I watched this tonight. I have to admit, HBO does an excellent job on their documentaries!
What caught my attention was when the woman Muslim reporter who worked with Daniel at the Wall Street Journal said once she saw the emails Daniel received, it was so apparent that it was a set-up because of the email address.
I wonder if Daniel knew this and went ahead with the meeting anyway? I also thought why did he go by himself? I suppose we will all have a bunch of "what if" questions to ask after watching this. I definitely learned alot and have a new found appreciation for those journalists who report in the Middle East!
@jr -- I also watched this film for the first time, it was vey informative and very tragic. Did you notice that after Daniel was kidnapped and it was known, a newspaper published info that he is jewish and his kidnappers changed their rhetoric and accusations? Makes me wonder, what if that information didn't come out, maybe that would save his life... Did people who leaked his origin think about the consequences?
@Ivy: It's eerie to think that the media could have been the reason Daniel died because they mentioned he was Jewish. In a way, we all want to be informed but what responsibility did that newspaper have and why did they not think about the consequences when they knew his life could possibly be in danger.
I suppose that's another reason why journalists, like my favorite AC, have to be so quiet about their personal life.
It's just like the Jeff Koinange report on the Niger Delta area of Africa and the 24 Filipino hostages. Jeff is now being accused of staging and paying for the story by the Nigerian Minister of Information. Why would the Nigerian Minister want to at any way jeopardize the lives of those hostages by making a stink about Jeff's reporting just because it makes that part of his country look bad? It's amazing.
@jr --it's the main reason journalists are not disclosing their personal life. It takes one story that somebody doesn't like ot use any knowledge of them against them. What if there were rumors about jeff, something that could be used to arrest him there? it's hypothetical, but it really can put journalist work and even life at risk
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