Monday, June 25, 2007

The Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin Affair: the begining!

Interview with Kathy Griffin

Aired July 10, 2003 - 19:47 ET


ANDERSON COOPER, CNN ANCHOR: Well don't know. I have he been here two days and haven't had any plastic surgery.
I know, Kathy, it's true. I have seen a lot of nips and tucks if you know what I mean. But even nips and tucks weren't enough for actress comedian Kathy Griffin. Inspired by ABC's make over show, she conspired with "Entertainment Tonight" to document her own massive overhaul. Take a look.


KATHY GRIFFIN, ENTERTAINER: I have new eyebrows. I have new eyes. I have new skin. I have new teeth. I'm working on a the new personality.


COOPER: And the new Kathy Griffin joins us here tonight, and that's right, Los Angeles.

GRIFFIN: Anderson, first of all, what is this, "Live From Baghdad." What are we doing on the roof. I'm expecting an RPG to go over my head.

COOPER: This is L.A. There's no RPG as far as I am aware.

GRIFFIN: You've gotten so Hollywood, let me tell you.

COOPER: Let me ask you, what is going on with the plastic surgery?

GRIFFIN: I have a new head. I got a new head transplant. I'm going to take my glasses off -- but it's very bright. Because I also the ladened surgery so now I can see you.

COOPER: What do you have -- what done you have...

GRIFFIN: I used to have to wear glasses, then I got the Lasik, right.


GRIFFIN: Then I had my eyebrows lifted. So they were down here and now they're up like around here. And then I got like a skin peel and what else did I get? I didn't get those J.Lo but bags because you know you can get those. COOPER: There's actually such a thing?


COOPER: But why in L.A.? I mean, I walk down the street in L.A., I'm the only one walking actually walking down the street in L.A.

GRIFFIN: Right, you have to get a car.

COOPER: But so many people seem to have plastic surgery. It's not just like big time actors and actresses.

GRIFFIN: What are you talking to me about?

Like every anchor person on this network hasn't had something done.

Who are you kidding?

Let me see your butt.

Have you had the butt bags.

COOPER: I don't know what you're talking about. My ears meet in the back but that's a genetic thing, all right.

GRIFFIN: That's were they are supposed to be.

COOPER: I mean, do you feel pressure to do it being in the industry that your in?

GRIFFIN: Yes. I mean, look, it's pure vanity. It's pure silliness and vanity. And I mean, talk about it in my act now all the time. When I first had -- I had a nose job, right. And all this, like, shame about it and stuff. But it's too funny. So, I have to put it in my act. I talk about it. Now I just thought, you know, if I can get stuff for free by advertising it, then I'll just do it. I got $30,000 of teeth for free, Anderson.

COOPER: How is it possible to have $30,000 for teeth. Are teeth that expensive?

GRIFFIN: Yes. These (UNINTELLIGIBLE) are like 1,500 bucks a tooth. Can you believe it.

When are you going to come see me at the Laugh Factory every Wednesday here in Hollywood.

COOPER: You know, you've been clearly -- all right lets just get that out of the way. You're at the Laugh Factory in Hollywood Wednesday nights. Now you don't have to try to working anymore.

GRIFFIN: Please come see me and get a chuckle, Anderson. You know I won the mole.

COOPER: Are crack -- I'm not even going to go there.

Are crack research teams got up...

GRIFFIN: Was that Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown?

COOPER: Did you know that Griffin or Griffin or Griffin refers to a hybrid beast. And on the definite reads -- the definition reads "A fabulous beast with a heads and wings of an eagle and body of a lion."

GRIFFIN: That's me.

COOPER: Kathy Griffin, ladies and gentleman.

GRIFFIN: I'm going to get my wings removed because they add five pounds. I'll do what ever it takes. Look, I'm talking about the stuff because everyone gets it done and no one talks about it.

COOPER: No one talks about it.

GRIFFIN: You have met Larry King?

What I can't speak freely?

What happened, where's Paula?

What happened, did I get canned?

COOPER: Paul,a will be on in the next hour.

We are going to end it there.

I don't know what you're talking about, Kathy Griffin.

GRIFFIN: I am sure you don't.

COOPER: Yes. Yes. She's at the chuckle room every or whatever every Friday night.

GRIFFIN: The Laugh Factory every Wednesday.

COOPER: All right, thanks very much.

9 comentarios:

Anonymous said...

Not to brag, but I am older than Kathy Griffin and look better than her, just as good, and have never had any work done and never will. Can't afford it either. Wonder what she looked like before her work was done.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for digging that up Chris, I never knew he interviewed her before!

Anonymous said...

From reading this, I didn't get the impression that Anderson was a big fan of KG.

Anonymous said...

I don't think he is impressed with people who have all this work done to themselves. She is funny and he / we
can laugh at her, but personally, I don't know.

Anonymous said...

Also, I think, being the polite person he is and being an anchor, he will laugh it up with his guest and be polite, but may be shaking his head about the person, like what a screwed up person or whatever

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking, maybe they repeated the second hour of 360 last night so Anderson could leave just in case Paris got out while he was on and he wouldn't have to cover it.

Anonymous said...

I would hope he's too busy and mature to avoid being around when Paris is being interviewed!

Anonymous said...

We'll see what he does on Wednesday when Paris is on LKL. He may as well face up to it all.

Anonymous said...

I could very well be wrong but I think Paris will be taped so he won't really have to face it.

Has anyone heard if she will be taped?


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