Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Hump Day

How is everyone doing?

What do you think of OJ's arrest? I read this afternoon that he posted bail and is out walking the streets again. I hate to judge (seeing as he's supposed to be innocent until proven guilty), but it would be poetic justice were he to get that life sentence they keep mentioning.

Ron Goldman's sister was on the Today show this morning and she mentioned karma. Yeah, karma's a b!^&#, ain't it?

I also saw Senator John McCain on the Today show. What a trooper. You know, I don't agree with his beliefs regarding the Iraq war--he's riding around in a tour bus with "No Surrender" painted on the side; what does that tell you?--but I have to give him kudos for standing firm with those beliefs. Despite the polls that say the American public is against the war, Senator McCain is supportive of the war and it looks like he would keep troops there as long as possible, were he to be elected President.

And last but not least, what about that kid who got tasered at the University of Florida? What happened to free speech, anyway? Sure, the kid might have been a nuisance, but is that a reason to taser someone? If so, those university cops need to head to Washington DC right now...I can think of a few people who could use a lil "shock 'n awe" of their own.

1 comentarios:

Anonymous said...

Come to think of it, maybe this one might be his karma.

The university police overreacted to the incident. These are students and not wayward people or criminals who were just exercising their freedom of speech. It clearly shows abuse of authority.


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