Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Weekly Blurb

I'd like to give Ivy a hand once again for saving my rear end when it comes to this blog. Unfortunately I can't kick whatever is wrong with me and have been under the weather the past couple of days. Thanks for keeping an eye on this place, Ivy!

Real quick, as I need to take some meds and get to bed:

What do you think of the new Teacher in Space? Pretty cool, eh? Do you remember what you were doing on January 28, 1986 when the Challenger blew up, or can that even be considered a "flashbulb memory" like 9/11 or President Kennedy's assassination?

I was in third grade and my teacher told us about it after lunch. My teacher was a harbringer of bad news that year, let me tell ya. Not only did she share the news about the Challenger, but she also informed us that our first grade teacher had given birth prematurely and might lose the baby AND on another occasion, she told us we'd just started bombing Libya and a nuclear war with the Soviets was at hand.

All of this in the third grade, mind you.

At any rate, I remember watching the television footage of the shuttle explosion on the news that night. A horrible sight.

What's this I see about a tornado in Brooklyn? Wow!

President Bush battled Lyme disease last summer, according to CNN, but is doing okay now. Interesting. "white House spokesman Scott Stanzel told CNN it is "not uncommon" for Bush to get tick bites during his frequent bike rides. He said the president noticed he had a small rash in a "localized area" of his body last August and had it treated by his doctors. "It's been resolved," said Stanzel. "He's had no reoccurrence and no other symptoms."

Ew. Glad that's, er, cleared up for us. Thanks.

All right. Short, I know, but I need to get some sleep. Take care, everyone.

10 comentarios:

Anonymous said...

A tornado in Brooklyn, New York?...that's odd.

Having a teacher in space is I think pretty cool. I hope all is well this time.

Anonymous said...

The teacher in space story is took her 21 years to get there, but she finally did it!
Feel better soon! Its no fun being sick in the summertime (hell, its no fun being sick anytime!)

Anonymous said...

Anybody know where Anderson is? Hard to believe he is taking a vacation, but I have not seen anything from him this week - either blog or article.

Anonymous said...

He is on vacation. He went sailing with bro.

Anonymous said...

anonymous @7:23. How do you know this and why isn't it being reported all over the net? Just asking.

Anonymous said...

The 360 site says they are live tonight from Utah...Do we think AC will be back???

Anonymous said...

Don't know. They usually say "Anderson" is live at the scene. CNN reporters (Gary Tuchman) have been there all week.
It seems weird for him to be off so long, hope he is not ill

Anonymous said...

We all know he doesn't vacation well, but hopefully he's not sick and he got a chance to get away and take a break.

Anonymous said...

I just checked the news, Tommy Thompson withdrew from the race and Karl Rove resigned. What will Bush do without his brain? I really hope 360 will cover it.

Anonymous said...

I was working at a law school at the time of the Challenger disaster and happened to be watching television with some of the students. One guy saw the shuttle blow up and asked if anyone was still alive - this from a college graduate. For the rest of the afternoon we had the radio on in my office and listened to the coverage on a local radio station. Later that evening a few friends came over to my place and instead of partying we watched TV. It's funny the worse disasters we remember vividly.


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